Russia and China face small reductions. provided the 2025 forecast for population of each . June 16, 2021: Between 13 to 15 females dead from 2025 to 2027, the last murder committed in January 2027. . It reports a similar dropoff of population numbers for Australia, Denmark, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and other NATO countries. The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. According to the forecast, several countries, especially in Western Europe, showed a significant decline in population by 2025. According to's 2025 forecast, most western nations (incl the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, S Korea, and Europe) face massive population reductions -- in the case of the US, from 321M to 61M people. And as we've reported time and again on ANP, Deagel's forecast not only warned of America being completely decimated by 2025 but 'Western nations' across the planet as well, and look at what's happening now in places across Europe, Australia and New Zealand, where government's are racing full speed ahead towards tyranny, locking . In 2020, at the beginning of covid, a population forecast on revealed some disturbing numbers. Population forecast for Australia for 2025 is down 35% to 15 million. Note that this was a single email in a leak from the company of over 5 million emails, and is also the only email obtained by WikiLeaks that references the phrase "deagel" in its entire database. provided the 2025 forecast for population of each . In fact, it predicts a similar, cataclysmic fate for the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Japan, and Denmark, and more U.S. allied nations: Year: 2013, Population: 316 million, Forecast 2025: Population: 69 million. Deagel is a typical disinfo front out to discredit truthers. Now, starting somewhere around 2009 (per The Wayback Machine), starting listing Future Forecasts of Global Depopulation Predicted pertaining to the numbers on global depopulation predicted. Oct 30, 2014. " The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making . 1997 May;(P25-1131):1-6. The United States of America falls to the level of Greece in PPP. What does Deagel know that we don't know? Na . The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with . From the last 2017 forecast of countries populations, Australia's population at the time was 23 million. No commentary or explanation of the methodology was provided. Population projections: states, 1995 - 2025 Curr Popul Rep Popul Estim Proj. by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline: - 'Slow Genocide' Continues To Forced Be Upon Us. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Deagel has gone on the record predicting a 78% population decline in the United States by 2025. Population: 316 million. A botched murder in October 2027 will lead to the arrest of a suspect by early 2028. Country Population 2017 Population 2025 Population Change GDP 2017 GDP 2025 GDP Change ME 2017 ME 2025 ME Change PPP 2017 PPP 2025 PPP Change In around 2010, their future forecasts were for the year 2020. Believe it or not, adding up every country there is only 168 million less people in 2025 than in 2013. This information is being suppressed. As I run a tiny Odyssey channel on vaccines and conspiracies I collate stuff. Spend some time with this. Indeed, government data aggregator, Agenda 21 and Ted Turner's Georgia Guidestones predict higher than 70% population reduction by 2025-30. And as we've reported time and again on ANP, Deagel's forecast not only warned of America being completely decimated by 2025 but 'Western nations' across the planet as well, and look at what's happening now in places across Europe, Australia and New Zealand, where government's are racing full speed ahead towards tyranny, locking . Google "2025 Deagel Prediction" and print out all seven pages in color. The Facebook post, by a page . Never . agencies. . Download Population Projections: States, 1995-2025 [PDF - <1.0 MB] This report identifies population changes that are projected to affect the 50 states and the District of Columbia during the years 1995 to 2025. Basically the western civilization is going to fall unless… by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline: - 'Slow Genocide' Continues To Forced Be Upon Us. According to's 2025 forecast, most western nations (incl the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, S Korea, and Europe) face massive population reductions -- in the case of the US, from 321M to 61M people. Deagel's Key Conclusions: Deagel's 2025 forecast does not include world totals, but shows country by country forecasts for 181 countries. Condensation of the Deagel 2025 Forecast -Roger Mason. These forecasts from Deagel are officially sanctioned and used by most U.S. govt. This report identifies population changes projected to . ), as that Deagel Report also pointed out in their forecast numbers, and as we've . UK and Australia. The text claims the projections were "discovered in 2014", pointing to the post's comments for "photo evidence". TruNews provides a thoughtful overview of and the data therein on its January 28 program. On The Shocking 2025 'Deagel' Forecast: War, Population Reduction, & The Collapse Of The West International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. Colombia: population gain of 6% PPP gain of 22%. Despite a considerable fall down the country rankings, Australia would still be relatively well off. In the comments, screenshots from the website show forecasts that the populations of the United States and Australia will drop to 65 million and 8.9 million respectively by 2025. TruNews provides a thoughtful overview of and the data therein on its January 28 program. labrador retriever züchter bayern / klassenarbeiten klasse 5 biologie / klassenarbeiten klasse 5 biologie offering hundreds of thousands in giveaways for those joining its new social media platform as many desert Facebook in droves because of censoring. deagel 2025 australia Last Monday, I pasted the top 60 nations, sorted by GDP into an Excel spreadhseet and did some calculations . of 50 to 80% according to Deagel. Will have to read a few times. . Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Deagel has gone on the record predicting a 78% population decline in the United States by 2025. While we'd reported just days ago that the mysterious website had 'gone dark' by removing all mentions of their 2025 'forecast' for America and the world, a 'forecast' that darkly predicted America would be wiped out by then, losing well over 200 million people while being . Found the internet! From 2019 to 2025 Deagel forecast. The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more. [ Mod note, that's actually, the site with the list is] It says it references government and military web sources to . Keep in mind that the American Civil War which devastated the Southern States had a 6-8% of the population killed. 2025 L'Italia avrà 18 milioni di abitanti in meno? Other countries are .'s Forecast for 2025, which is now only 8 years away. Researcher Craig Paardekooper released this report on predictions of global population reduction previously published on military analysis website Few people know of this website and even more claim the organization doesn . US Army Orders Additional Stinger Surface-to-Air Missiles Through 2026. What's interesting about this forecast is that the Deagel website . It reports a similar dropoff of population numbers for Australia, Denmark, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and other NATO countries. Serial Murders in the United States by Someone Similar to The Boston Strangler Will Begin in June 2025. Australia 25 15 40.0 Malta 0.5 0.3 40.0 Cyprus 1.3 0.8 38.5 Switzerland 8.4 5.3 36.9 Denmark 5.9 3.8 35.6 Barbados 0.3 0.2 33.3 . These forecasts from Deagel are officially sanctioned and used by most U.S. govt. Answer (1 of 8): A hypothetical question perhaps. A 27% loss in population, a 64% loss in GDP, a 62% economic loss. I.e., was made by the fack checkers themselves who then debunk it in order to give anyone with reasonable data a bad name (poisoning the well), and give themselves credibility. PMID: 12347954 Abstract PIP: All states will have more people in the future, especially in the south and west, while population aging occurs as the baby boomers age. #1. On 4/20/21,, a military intelligence agency, has deleted their mysterious 2025 forecast spreadsheet that predicted a major collapse of the western countries. 0. The following is's recently revised disclaimer of its Forecast 2025. Australia 25 15 40.0 Malta 0.5 0.3 40.0 Cyprus 1.3 0.8 38.5 Switzerland 8.4 5.3 36.9 Denmark 5.9 3.8 35.6 Barbados 0.3 0.2 33.3 . Latest On The 2025 Projections. In reality, a single email leaked from Stratfor Enterprises, LLC references Researcher Craig Paardekooper released this report on predictions of global population reduction previously published on military analysis website UK: Declines in per capita greenhouse gas emissions require declines in energy consumption, and declines in relative purchasing power. How many here are aware of the Deagel forecasts for 2025? Source: Deagel. Il sito è una piattaforma che analizza la popolazione, la ricchezza economica e le armi in dotazione di tutte le nazioni del mondo. The US military intelligence group Deagel last year estimated Australia's population to decline by 30 per cent by 2025. . As we had reported on ANP back on December 31st of 2017, Deagel was previously forecasting the US population to drop to 54 million people by 2025, down from what was then 324 million people in 2016. Well as we see now in the screenshot above taken from their website page for the United States this morning, Deagel is now forecasting that the . It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. deagel 2025 australia. The correct information about the depopulation agenda comes from the Georgia Guidestones that asserts a world population of 500 million…stretch that a bit to 750 million survivors (50% Orientals like Japanese, Chinese and Koreans + 40 % Whites + 10 % others). The purpose of could be to promote the credibility of the fact checkers and/or counter intel. Raytheon Co., Tucson, Arizona, was awarded a $624,601,212 modification (P00007) to contract W31P4Q-21-D-0007 for the procurement of Stinger missiles and associated equipment. Here is some of the current incentives being offered to new users. Here's the 2025 Deagel casualty figures for the three "mighty" members of AUKUS. Deagel, Intelligence Organization for the U.S. Government, Predicts Massive Global Depopulation (50-80%) by 2025 January 31, 2021 January 31, 2021 Julius Caesar 11 Comments america , australia , deagel , depopulation , vaccines Current population of the USA is about 327 million. 10/22/2021 at 7:35 pm. Australia (-61%), Western Europe (-43%), and Scandinavia (-41%). United States of America Projected Changes from 2014-2025. 4.10.2020 Forecast 2025 6/ 9 124 Maur itius 1.4 $23 $0 125 Papua New Guinea 7.6 $23 $0.1 126 Niger 17 $23 $0.4 127 Zimbabwe 14 $21 $0.3 . India, Brazil, and Mexico are fine. Paul Campbell. while Australia to the South would decline by 60%, and even the fabled sanctuary of New Zealand would lose a quarter of its people. A brief 'Disclaimer . On The Shocking 2025 'Deagel' Forecast: War, Population Reduction, & The Collapse Of The West International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. provided the 2025 forecast for population of each country. That's a lot to digest. Population of the USA drops from 327,000,000 to 100,000,000. So I added up the numbers for each country to get the totals for 2014 compared to 2025. . Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast… War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West By Doug Casey International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. However, the data had been safely archived and was still . This highly regarded intelligence organization has bleak prospects for the United States in the years to come, including an 81% decline in its population, from 327 million in 2017 to 100 million in 2025. United Nations (UN) Deagel has gone on the record predicting a 78% population decline in the United States by 2025. Deagel, a real intelligence organization for the U.S. government, predicts massive global depopulation (50-80%) by 2025. Only three countries within the group of the top 60 GDP will experience significant improvement, while catastrophe is reigning in the countries listed above: Russia: population loss of 2% PPP gain of 32%. It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. provided the 2025 forecast for population of each country. 4.10.2020 Forecast 2025 6/ 9 124 Maur itius 1.4 $23 $0 125 Papua New Guinea 7.6 $23 $0.1 126 Niger 17 $23 $0.4 127 Zimbabwe 14 $21 $0.3 . arslan senki does arslan become king. It's already Communist Paradise. Australia will lose a full 1/3rd of it's population! This one is starting to be passed around the conspiracy circles as 'proof that the end is near' or 'proof of depopulation'. The information you have is presumably not Australian Government information. With one of the final Deagel Report's forecasts released showing a tremendously 'depopulated' America by the year 2025, with a 'massive culling' of America's population bringing our forecast population down to below 100 million people by the year 2025 (a HUGE drop of more than 227 million people! New Zealand, like Australia, will be a disaster. India, Brazil, and Mexico are fine. Daily reminder that the Deagel forecast for 2025 still exists. Since the casualty figures include Australia, which has been (up until four years ago) neutral, we can assume that China would be involved. Deagel reports on military-industrial affairs, . Massive global depopulation. May 1997. p25-1131. Archived. Russia and China face small reductions. In […] Paardekooper's article links mass slaughter to vaccines in countries inhabited mainly by White people of European descent. However, the data had been safely archived and was still . The countries with the top 10 highest PPP are . Telegram. Please share. While this information began to circulate wildly on the internet, removed the forecast from its website (still available in archived versions—see here). I was hoping to see a write up from you on Deagel 2025 and the mRNA vaccines but boy did you deliver. I added Australia to the list, above because its 2025 population is forecast to drop to an incredible 8.9M from today's 22.5M. haare färben trotz ansatzspray. Canada will lose 1/4th of it's population! , that of Germany from 81 million to 28 million, while the population of Canada will grow from 36 .

deagel 2025 australia