Common European health data space The current regulatory and research models rely on access to health data, including individual level data from patients. Big Data 4 Better Outcomes: Recommendations for the European Health Data Space. This gives EU countries the possibility to exchange health data in a secure, efficient and interoperable way. In the wake of COVID, unilateral actions threatened access to critical medicines and PPE and highlighted . The European Commission should bring different initiatives and experiences, such as the European Reference Networks, and relevant projects funded by Horizon 2020 and the Innovative Medicines Initiative . Key insights from panel 1: Connecting the Data Dots 2.0. ARM is committed to contribute to the consultation process foreseen by the Commission for this European Commission Press release Brussels, 03 May 2021 Today, the Commission published an open public consultation on the European Health Data Space (EHDS) - an important building block of the European Health Union. Sitra attaches importance to the Commission's aim to facilitate the exchange of health data and access to health data by creating a harmonised internal market for the use of health data. To make the most of this enormous potential, the European Commission opened a public consultation on the European Health Data Space . This event was hosted by MEP Sara Cerdas and MEP Manuel Pizarro. European Health Data Space Artificial Intelligence Circular economy Interactions With Healthcare Professionals Previous Next. With this Communication, the Commission proposes a package of measures as a key step towards a common data space in the EU - a seamless digital area with the scale that will enable the development of new products and services based on data. Technical and semantic interoperability are in focus to enable . The Joint Action is an implementation tool for the Common European Health Data Space as outlined in A European Strategy for Data and in the context of the EU Health Programmes. the work of the ehealth network, created under the 2014 cross-border healthcare directive, has laid the foundation for europe to develop the necessary infrastructure to enable health data sharing between patients, healthcare providers / professionals, researchers, policymakers and regulators, but in practice many of the upcoming, potentially … Posted at 09:22h in Data protection, access and authorization tools by Fran 0 Comments. The creation of the European health data space is one of the core actions promoted by the European Commission in its EU Data Strategy. ), not only to support healthcare delivery (so-called primary use of data) but also for . They emphasised the need to clarify the interpretation of data protection rules, build a robust infrastructure and improve national health data governance to enable the better use of health data. Recommendations focused on several key areas: Enhance uptake of existing interoperability standards, supporting this work through the Global Consortium for e-Health Interoperability In its Communication on a European Strategy for Data, the European Commission outlines its plans to create a common European Health Data Space (EHDS). Share. The European Commission is now launching an extensive consultation process on the European Health Data Space that will include the following actions: Feedback collection on the EHDS evaluation roadmap/inception impact assessment , accessible here and open until 3 rd February 2021 . TEHDAS is being carried out by 25 European countries and co-ordinated by the Finnish Innovation Fund, Sitra. The input for this declaration comes from countries like Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, Spain, the . A health data space that is European not only in a geographical sense but also in terms of values. Abstract. Strengthening and extending the use and re-use of health data is critical for innovation in the healthcare sector. The Dawn of a European Health Data Space - Challenges Posted on July 16th, 2020 by Mark Siebert in Pharma R&D. The European data strategy aims to construct common data spaces for all, create a single EU market for data, and catalyze a dynamic data economy. European Health Data Space. The TEHDAS joint project is based on the EU Health Programme 2020 (PDF), which specifies the objectives and budget of the project. Companies and citizens will collate and share data - in such a way that they keep control over them. It will strengthen the eHealth digital service infrastructure (eHDSI), which offers the MyHealth@EU health data sharing services to patients to ensure continuity of care for while . If well designed, this will unlock the value of data at hand into products and services to support innovation, create new medical insights and improve delivery of care for patients. We would like to inform you that the European Commission has launched a public consultation on European Health Data Space (EHDS), which aims to make full use of digital health to provide high-quality healthcare and reduce inequalities. The NHS Confederation is the lead authority for the UK participation in the EU Joint Action Towards a European Health Data Space. Strong data protection and accountability should in this sense be seen as strengths, not weaknesses, of the system, as it increases trust in sharing the data in the first place. These objectives were further . These services have been designated for each step of the user journey for cross-border health data sharing. MedTech Europe welcomes the opportunity to provide the comments of the medical technology industry to the European Health Data Space Combined Evaluation Roadmap/Inception Impact Assessment.As indicated in its statement on the European data strategy of May 2020, MedTech Europe supports the project of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) and its corresponding initiatives. Part of the overall European strategy for data, the EHDS will include both primary and secondary use of health data, enabling citizens, researchers and decision-makers seamless access . DGA: minimum rules for access to data applicable to all sectors a single information point body with support function national authority for providers of data sharing services On December 23, 2020, the European Commission (the "Commission") published its inception impact assessment ("Inception Impact Assessment") of policy options for establishing a European Health Data Space ("EHDS"). The recent report of the Joint Action Towards the European Health Data Space (TEHDAS) proposes services that the upcoming European Health Data Space (EHDS) could provide for secondary use of health data. The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) welcomes the European Commission's initiative to establish a European Health Data Space (EHDS) and looks forward to future consultation activities. This task is challenging due to technical, organizational, economic and other issues that require different measures. Panellists shared their perspectives as data generators, users and/or consumers, in terms of how they would like obesity to be included in the European Health Data Space. The EHDS aims to unlock the value of data for public health, treatment, research, and innovation. support research on treatments, medicines, medical devices, and outcomes. The creation of a European health data space is intended to support healthcare delivery, health research and health policy making purposes in member states. Approach or solution; Data space, holding different types of health data, for primary and secondary use. The Declaration on the necessary steps to create a European Health Data Space brings together countries known for their innovative digital health system as well as from regions where the pressure of corona infections has greatly accelerated existing digital care approaches. On 20 January, the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) will run an information session on the work programme. Value in Healthcare. Earlier this year, the European Commission released A European Strategy for Data, which outlines the establishment of a European Health Data Space (EHDS) as one of the priorities. Since the pandemic began, 58% of countries are using telemedicine to replace face-to-face consultations. The Joint Action TEHDAS proposes European Health Data Space services. The creation of a European Data Space is one of the priorities of the Commission 2019-2025, including the health sector. COCIR industries are developing innovative integrated solutions towards patient centered approaches. The European Health Data Space will: promote safe exchange of patients' data (including when they travel abroad) and citizens' control over their health data. On February 3, 2022, EPSU and HOSPEEM jointly organised an online informative session on the European Health Data Space (EHDS), with the purpose of providing a space for the exchange of information between the European Commission (EC) and social partners in the healthcare sector. While the needs and use cases of medicine regulators and decision-makers will drive DARWIN EU's development, DARWIN EU will also contribute to developing the EHDS and the joint . The European Commission is set to revolutionise the way data is shared across borders with plans moving at pace to implement a European Health Data Space (EHDS). On May 3, 2021, the European Commission (the "Commission") opened a further public consultation ("Consultation") on the European Health Data Space ("EHDS").. European health data space The electronic cross-border health service, also called European health data space, is an infrastructure ensuring the continuity of care for European citizens while they are travelling abroad in the EU. European Health Data Space Ioana-Maria Gligor Head of Unit European Reference Networks and Digital Health SANTE.B3 Sharing of health data for healthcare Problems •Limited control of patients over their health data •Limited interoperability between health care providers Areas of work It marked the launch of the European Lung Health Group. It aims to promote greater exchange and access to different types of health data (electronic health records, genomics data, data from patient registries etc.). encourage the access to and use of health data for research, as well as policymaking and regulation with a . It provided a unique platform for stakeholder discussion. Improving access to diabetes care will fit into EU's health data space Diabetes patients will be among the beneficiaries of the much-awaited European health data space seeking to make good use . In light of our experience in various projects of the Innovative Medicines Initiative's Big Data 4 Better Outcomes programme (IMI BD4BOs), we would like to highlight the following points and make recommendations to inform EU decision makers in order to respond to the public consultation on the European Health . The MEP Lung Health Group held an event 'Improving lung health through the future European Health Data Space' on 8 February 2022. European Health Data Space Industry Report This consultation was one of a series of DHE workshops / webinars and surveys taking place during spring, summer and fall 2020. Representatives of ministries from 16 European countries discussed the national single information point and the services they would like to see emerging from the future European Health Data Space (EHDS). The European Commission has published a public consultation on its ambitious plans for a European Health Data Space (EHDS), inviting interested parties to submit their feedback on the project.The . To ensure the safe use of data to support health, solid governance and leadership . The 'Towards the European Health Data Space' workshop was held at SPMS headquarters, in Lisbon, on 21 st and 22 nd January 2020. European Health Data Space: Enabling Future Innovation. The European Institutions and Member States should support research projects and cross-country The creation of a European Data Space is one of the priorities of the Commission 2019-2025, including the health sector. Joint Action Towards the European Health Data Space - TEHDAS The TEHDAS Joint Action project develops European principles for the secondary use of health data. Towards the European Health Data Space workshop. Against the background of the beginning COVID-19 pandemic, Europe's science and research regions have taken an inventory of the digitisation of European health systems and formulated a "Joint Declaration" about the necessary next steps to create a common European Health Data Space. We decided in 2016 to create a dedicated Focus Group on VBHC. The Dawn of a European Health Data Space - Opportunities Posted on July 9th, 2020 by Mark Siebert in Pharma R&D. At the beginning of 2020, the European Commission introduced a "European strategy for data."The document proposes to bolster and advance the data economy in Europe with a view towards capturing "the benefits of better use of data, including greater productivity and . Resilient Supply Chains. ©️ Image used under the licence of the Adobe Stock On Thursday 9 September from 13.15 to 15.45, BECA Members will focus on two important files with a direct impact on cancer […] The MEP Lung Health Group event 'Improving lung health through the future European Health Data Space' took place on 8 February 2022. Pfizer Inc. and OPKO Health, Inc. announced that the European Commission has granted marketing authorization for the next-generation long-acting recombinant human growth hormone NGENLA™, a once-weekly injection to treat children and adolescents from 3 years of age with growth disturbance due to insufficient secretion of growth hormone. Creation of the European health data space is one of the core actions promoted by the European Commission in the EU Data Strategy. 1.2 A vision of the common European Health Data Space A vision of the still not fully defined common European Health Data Space was developed and discussed across the consulta-tions, leading to a good level of alignment, the latter being a prerequisite to drafting recommendations that resonate well with stakeholder perceptions. COCIR industries are developing innovative integrated solutions towards patient centered approaches. The European Health Data Space will promote a better exchange of data, making health data available for a variety of uses like research, innovation, and policymaking. 4) The European Health Data Space legislation will need to identify solutions for secondary use of health data preserving data protection both under GDPR and national regulations. The European Commission has consulted stakeholders on the proposed initiative for a European Health Data Space. Starting from a French initiative in 2021, gathering public and private stakeholders, DaSES has set up different working groups and is now extending invitations to other countries, to build and European roadmap to promote an open and interoperable digital ecosystem of . We decided in 2016 to create a dedicated Focus Group on VBHC. ), not only to support healthcare delivery (so-called primary use of data) but also for . What came out of the discussion was the clear need for: 1. The current UK-EU data sharing agreement was discussed, and it was established that the UK wants to ensure that it does not jeopardise the agreement. This follows a consultation earlier in the year, on the Commission's "Inception Impact Assessment" in relation to the EHDS. European Health Data Space HIMSS noted EHDS will be a core tool in allowing European partners to collaborate to build more sustainable and resilient healthcare systems. As it is based on reported data, rather than estimates, the HFA family of databases is also particularly valuable. The Education and Skills data space (DaSES) aims to create a data space for the benefit of the whole educational community. Access to health data for healthcare in cross-border context •Patients cannot access and share their health data cross-borders •Limited digital interoperability of health care providers The purpose of the European Health Data Space is to enable people, communities and companies to benefit from secure and seamless access to health data regardless of its location. Longer-term, data and digital holds enormous potential to ensure people live longer, healthier lives. This will not only support healthcare The Inception Impact Assessment is open for consultation until February 3, 2021, encouraging "citizens and stakeholders" to "provide views on the Commission's . The European Commission invites members of the public, organisations, and stakeholders in the digital and public health sector to a consultation on the European Health Data Space.The access to and sharing of health data is vital not only to ensure the availability and affordability of health care, but also to support the creation of innovative solutions that make use of digital technologies . Moreover, many different national rules make health data sharing across borders difficult. WHY IT MATTERS. European Health Data Space Artificial Intelligence Circular economy Interactions With Healthcare Professionals Previous Next.

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