social indicators of development ppt

IMPLICATIONS FOR ACTION 33 Implications for Data Collection and Statistical Reporting 33 Involving Users 33 Reporting to the Public 34 NOTES 35 APPENDIX 1 37 Valuation Methods in Natural Resource Accounting 37 The social and cultural aspect affects the economic development as described by Max Weber in his protestant ethics and spirit to capitalism. Social Development Indicators Factsheet. Operational Pattern. You are - has improved dramatically in the span of a single generation. Millennium Development Goals - the health indicators At the Millennium Summit in 2000, representatives from 189 countries committed themselves toward a world in which sustaining development and eliminating poverty would have the highest priority.1 The millennium development goals (MDGs), with their targets and indicators, Annual energy consumption, total and by main user category 3. Understanding Social Development This section is organized around two different perspectives on understanding social development: theories and research. Two Hundred Years of Development Industrialization is what characterizes the last 200 years of human and social development. relatioships Exclusion and discrimination Trends in selected indicators . Economists have generally agreed that the increase of wealth (or perhaps welfare) is the proper object of economic development. Social security • covers all measures ppgroviding beneff,its, whether in cash or in kind, to secure protection, inter alia, from (a) lack of work-related income (or insufficient income) caused b i k di bilit t it l td by sickness, disability, maternity, employment HUMAN IMPACT/EXPOSURE INDICATORS 29 IX. used (1966b) the composite "level of living" index (made up of social welfare indicators) to identify the primary social end being sought by development programs. INDICATORS OF DEVELOPMENT •As was discovered in the previous section on Development Issues, there are two distinct groups of countries , known as MED's and LED's. •In order to understand the distinction between LED's and MED's we will look at various ways of measuring development, as well as the various development indicators. Political scientists, probably happily, have no similar agreement in regard to the appropriate goal for political development. Social empowerment is understood as the process of developing a sense of autonomy and self-confidence, and acting individually and collectively to change social relationships and the institutions and discourses that exclude poor people and keep them in poverty. Iraq Microsoft learning center. 16.5 Social and Human Development and Special Programmes 48 17 SOUTHERN AFRICAN CUSTOMS UNION (SACU) 49 18 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA - NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 49 18.1 National Policy 50 18.2 Economic Growth 51 18.3 Poverty 51 19 PROJECTS IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE WESTERN CAPE 52 19.1 The RED Door Project 52 19.2 The PLEK PLAN 56 The individual cannot change inborn temperament … but might be able to revise personality. Don Reinertsen shares a common example of leading vs. lagging indicators: the size of an airport security line is a leading indicator for the lagging indicator of the time it takes to pass through security screening. indicators of sustainable development presented here reflect the valuable expe- riences of countries and international organizations over the past fifteen years since the adoption of Agenda 21 in . DRAFT 9/16/2013 School Social Workers 5 Sample 1 STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVE (SLO) FOCUS STATEMENT INDICATORS OF ACADEMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (IAGD) Subject Area: Social Skills Instruction Population of Students: 6th grade students targeted for intervention Student Learning Objective Focus Statement: As a result of participating in a 6-week targeted intervention using an evidence-based social Indicators of Development (Economic, Social and Environmental) 1. Scope of Social Development. Tamilnadu Social Development Report 2000 8 "Social Development is the promotion of a sustainable society that is worthy of human dignity by empowering marginalised groups, women and men, to undertake their own development, to improve their social and economic position and to acquire their rightful place in society….." - Bilance, 1997 DRAFT 9/16/2013 School Social Workers 5 Sample 1 STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVE (SLO) FOCUS STATEMENT INDICATORS OF ACADEMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (IAGD) Subject Area: Social Skills Instruction Population of Students: 6th grade students targeted for intervention Student Learning Objective Focus Statement: As a result of participating in a 6-week targeted intervention using an evidence-based social Sociology of Development. There are many different types of indicators, for example, Zprocess indicators [ (the number of people trained) Zoutput indicators [ (increased dialogue within a . • Economic indicators of development - The Human Development Index (HDI) • Four factors used to assess a country's level of development: - Economic = (1) gross domestic product (GDP) per capita - Social = (2) literacy and (3) amount of education IAEA • In 1999, IAEA initiated the Project Indicators for Sustainable Energy Development - ISED, in cooperation with various international organizations, to: • Fill the need for a consistent set of energy indicators • Assist countries in energy and statistical capacity building required to promote energy sustainability • Supplement work of the Commission on Sustainable Development . Equality of Opportunity and Treatment 6. Disability rates 4. From 4 to 6 October 1995, almost sixty experts from more than twenty different Callaghan, John. Areas that need urgent action: poverty, social protection, child mortality, health coverage, violence against women, sexual and reproductive health, access to water and sanitation, resilience to disasters, birth registration 25 indicators are being proposed (15 of which can be obtained by disaggregation in censuses/household surveys ) The Global Indicator Framework has thus far informed: The Secretary General's Report "Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals" (E/2016/75), released earlier in 2016. a . HUMAN IMPACT/EXPOSURE INDICATORS 29 IX. Development indicators 20. SOCIAL INDICATORS. National income and per capita income as the indicators of development have many limitations. 3 The most important indicators are often not quantifiable. 103-128 LECTURE 5 NEO-LIBERAL THEORIES OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Theoretical claims • That widespread involvement of the state in economic activities leads to resource misallocations, economic distortions and slower rates of economic growth. Capacity Building Trainings. Development implies goals and the positing of goals requires values. Social indicators, as "transeconomic" measures of quality of life, have "become an integral part of 'development indicators"' (Kao and Liu, 1984: 400; see, also Kahn, 1991). The Role of Indicators Department of Economic and Social Affairs Division for Sustainable Development Expert Group Meeting New York, 15-16 October 2008 Concept Note Climate change is a sustainable development issue, impacting on and impacted by a wide range of economic, social and environmental factors and policies. INDICATORS OF DEVELOPMENT XI Economics Chapter 8 2. Abstract/Summary. At the regional level. Indicators of quality of life. For the majority of the last two decades, India has experienced rapid GDP growth, resulting in rising per capita incomes and a reduction in absolute poverty. of indicators or integration. Data are presented for over 170 economies, omitting only those for which data are inadequate. Other indicators. Socio-economic development, therefore, is the process of social and economic development in a society. 1.2. Some characteristics of political development are: 1. 2. Data indicators consist of 7 items (2 safety/5 permanency) Economic development is the increase in the amount of people in a nation's population with sustained growth from a simple, low-income economy to a modern, high-income economy. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a single index measure that aims to record the three key dimensions of human development: access to knowledge, a decent standard of living, and long and healthy life. From: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), 2015. Every measure of human development - life expectancy, infant mortality, literacy, per capita income, etc. Net Official Development Assistance (ODA) given or received as a percentage of GNI • Consumption and Production Patterns 1. For instance, changes in indicators like GDP growth, unemployment rates, life expectancy, social cohesion, poverty and inequality are beyond the control of a single social actor, and can be influenced by local and global forces such as the recent global financial crisis. The progress of social sector development revealed by the social development indicators such as life expectancy, literacy rate, infant mortality, crude death rate, crude birth rate, HDI, GDI etc. Physical Abuse: Physical contact with a child by a covered person which is intended to cause, or causes, pain or physical injury, including punching, beating, shaking, throwing, kicking, biting and burning, or directing a child, outside the norm of the supervised activity, to perform physical activity which is intended to cause physical injury. the Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals . Download File. Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Covid-19 in Thailand v Acknowledgement Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Covid-19 in Thailand If Thailand was the first country outside of China to record a case of COVID-19, it is also considered today as Nutritional status indicators 5. A number of indicators of economic economic output (incl. Summary. Use the economic and social indicators to compare the state of development of India and Japan. CSD Core Indicators (7) • Global Economic Partnership 1. Social empowerment; Economic empowerment; Social empowerment. Local bootcamps . Since society is ever changing with interaction and adaptation of other cultures it becomes necessary to study the concept related to development and the factors that are indicators of development in the society. . | PowerPoint PPT . DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITE INDICATORS 27 VIII. 12. The main social indicators of development include education, health, employment and unemployment rates and gender equality, and this post introduces students to the specific indicators which institutions such as the World Bank and United Nations use to measure how 'developed' a country is, and the main indices which are used to compare the levels of development of different countries. A basic measure, per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is the value of all goods and services produced within a . COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GROUP 2 MEMBERS: IFURUNG-GONZALES, ELIZABETH C. LEUS, AURELIA G. ARELLANO-REYLES, AMELIA FIGUEROA-SANTOS, NORA MENDOZA-CLOMA, ROSARIO COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORTED BY: ELIZABETH C. IFURUNG-GONZALES, MD DEFINING THE DEVELOPING WORLD Per capita income - most common way World Bank classification system - based on GNP/capita ran LICs < $ 1025 LMCs . The uses of social indicators. Several indicators of ED have been used in recent years 3. IAEA • In 1999, IAEA initiated the Project Indicators for Sustainable Energy Development - ISED, in cooperation with various international organizations, to: • Fill the need for a consistent set of energy indicators • Assist countries in energy and statistical capacity building required to promote energy sustainability • Supplement work of the Commission on Sustainable Development . . Learnings on Generating and Monitoring MDG Indicators. Data indicators consisted of 6 items (2 safety/4 permanency) CFSR Round 2: 2007 - 2010. restricted . INDICATORS OF DEVELOPMENT (Economic, Social &Environmental) The UNDP (UN development Programme) describes development as: 'the three essentials of development include the ability to lead a long and healthy life, to acquire knowledge, and to have a decent standard of life'.

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social indicators of development ppt