Students who do not want to wear uniforms will give many…show more content…. Students can easily hand school uniforms down after they outgrow them. First, if teachers wear a uniform, they will look like students. According to other countries, it's important to wear school uniforms to represent their school, country and tradition from way back in history, to show themselves as a part of the school and as a sign of equality. Its not fair since not all people are rich and cant afford to be dressed in the top fashion. Thereof, should uniforms be compulsory in schools? Buying a few school uniforms, instead of a new school wardrobe, every Fall is much more economical. When students wear uniforms, they have an easier time getting ready for school in the morning, as there’s no need to pick out an outfit. Impose financial hardship on poor or financially struggling families. 2 Advantages of wearing school uniform. 1. Arguments Against School Uniforms. Check out this FREE essay on Why students should wear school uniforms ️ and use it to write your own unique paper. Next parents don't need to spend as much money for clothes. This prevents formation of cliques that could at times become gangs of bad influence. There are many reasons uniforms can be helpful in enhancing the student's learning experience. 2.1 Wearing uniforms may deter crime and increase student safety. School uniforms, by design, limit diversity within the learning environment. Just because you wear the same clothes as everyone else, it doesn’t mean that it takes away your personality and individuality. Having to wear the same thing every day and not being able to express yourself through styles of clothing. Do school uniforms affect self esteem? The debate about whether or not students should wear uniforms to school has never stopped. The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees one the freedom of religion, assembly, and right to petition. School uniforms make getting ready for school easier, which can improve punctuality. 2. In this article, we give three reasons why teachers should not wear school uniforms. Children of all different races, cultures, and ethnicities attend modern schools. “School uniform should be school & not a fashion show”. Opponents of school uniforms also argue that school uniform policies are difficult to … Uniforms are usually cheaper than other clothing and not having to decide what to wear saves time. Finally the first rule of the U.S. Constitution is the freedom of expression and school uniforms take that away because you can't express what you want to wear. Mostly school uniform makes easier on families to shop for the school clothes. Requiring school uniforms is a contentious issue. The fact that all the students are wearing the same thing will not only increase safety and cut down on bullying, but it will also dismember the feelings of shame and peer pressure, while promoting unity within the school. Do school uniforms affect self esteem? Uniforms suppress the right of children and young people to express themselves through clothes. Both of the researchers believed … According to majority of school principals, wearing school uniform enables a student to concentrate more on studies and less on clothing and other non-productive activities. Within the pros and cons of school uniforms, increasing self-confidence when students don't feel pressured to wear certain types of clothing is an intrinsic value of a uniform policy. 3. Teachers have less trouble and schools become more united. Uniforms provide a homogeneity that helps to eliminate the stifling sense of peer pressure that our children face every day (DaCosta). #3. According to experts, school uniforms can improve academic performance and discipline in the classroom, and cultivates a taste for the business suit in the future. It is hard for children to keep themself clean and neat a complete day; and at school it is a strict rule to keep our uniforms tidy. Promoting school spirit: Here are some reasons why school uniforms are essential: They help kids to dress smartly to the school, the school dress, will help them to become confident. That is why having uniforms would provide a much more bully-free and safe environment for the students. Most importantly, it assures a citizen’s freedom to expression. Many schools say uniforms make it easier for students to focus in class, and that uniforms promote inclusion. I always wear it … 1. Another reason is that school uniforms get in the way of learning, like if it is too short or itchy. School uniforms have long been a topic of debate between those who believe the public school system should offer personal freedoms and those who believe it helps provide an appropriate environment for learning. School uniforms ill prevent bullying. Students who do not want to wear uniforms will give many reasons for why they should be banned. So, we need to wear school uniform.. Bullying is a huge topic in all schools. Not every boy likes to … I wear my black pleated skirt, white button up shirt (fully done up) school tie and school blazer. Traditional uniforms are expensive. The most common argument against school uniforms is that they limit personal expression. Kids and teens use they way they dress to express themselves and to identify with certain social groups. Many students who are against school uniforms argue that they lose their self-identity when they lose their right to express themselves through fashion. Next parents don't need to spend as much money for clothes. Furthermore, why school … School uniforms teach students about self-discipline. 5. Assuring a habit of neatness is part of letting students to follow certain rules. Why should we wear school uniforms? School uniforms are necessary because students must know the importance of equality as it helps them to understand every individual is equal and not above or below anyone. The school uniform keeps students identified and controlled on outings and excursions etc. More and more schools should enforce the rule…. Why students should wear school uniforms? In 1999, two students opened fire in their faculty in Littleton killing students and one teacher before killing themselves. This element helps foster a sense of peace and unity among the school’s population and thus reducing cases of indiscipline or violence (Huss, 2007). Traditional uniforms are expensive. Students’ legal right to free expression remains intact even with mandatory school uniforms. There is a need for some boundaries between teachers and students. A school uniform teaches students to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance. 12. Not to be looked as just a part of a ‘group’, but as someone who has their own personality and behavioral patterns. EDUCATIONAL; With the school uniform the student understands that the school cannot be dressed in the same way as in leisure time. School uniforms are designed to stand up to everyday wear and repeated washing, so most parents will find that they can get away with buying a few sets. Kids who wear school uniform properly will soon realize the importance of giving respect to others. Some girls don’t like to wear skirts or can’t wear skirts. In this case, teachers may be disrespected by students. As school going kids, discipline is the most important factor for children. Both of the researchers believed … School uniforms are different from one school to another and that is one of the reasons why it remains relevant today— it gives students an identity. Uniforms also make it … Nevertheless, the advantages of wearing school uniforms – whatever they consist of – are plentiful and well-documented. Students come in all shapes and sizes, and one uniform design cannot cater to all these. School uniforms prevent the display of gang colors and insignia. Proponents of school uniforms argue that uniforms are meant to bring cohesion, sense of security and pride to an institution. Since all the children come from different socioeconomic backgrounds, they … With school uniforms, students are expected to wear a certain look to go to school. Appearance does matter, and students who wear uniforms tend to look much neater, cleaner, and more organized. For example, my son’s year 12 leaver’s jumper cost over A$250 and he was attending a local public high school. New York Essays - database with more than 65.000 college essays for A+ grades ... Why we shouldn't wear school IDs; Why kids should wear school uniform; A limited time offer! 2.5 Promote the school pride, spirit, and unity. Students realize that they are all equal in front of the educational organization. The necessity of School Uniform. We have developed a standard of dress that is reliable for everyone. Therefore they all favor the idea of uniforms. 31. Many students get bullied for what they wear. Children should be able to express themselves however they like and uniform doesn’t allow individuality. Well think about how annoyed you’d get with uniforms. Research shows that when schools implement a uniform policy, it improves grades, while it reduces tardiness, skipped classes and suspensions. One study showed that 70% of principals believed that mandated school uniforms reduced disciplinary problems at their schools. The average cost in Victoria for a primary-school student uniform appropriate for summer and winter, as well the sports uniform, is around A$330 on average. When a uniformed child enters, a student enters. This is because the so called popular kids who are usually in the higher social classes always wear luxury and expensive clothes. Bullying is a huge topic in all schools. Save Time On Research and Writing. In a single word, life starts at school. It’s schooling, as well as school, gives us the stage to sustain our confidence, feelings in the beginning phase of life. School uniforms mean that all students wear the same clothing, helping to level out the playing field. A study performed by the representatives of the University of Alabama showed that school uniforms never lead to particular improvement within the areas mentioned above. Reduce Distractions. That is why we should have school uniforms. When everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like isn’t so important. The only real choice, in terms of fashion, is to follow the uniform policy. So not having a uniform allows for self expression, maybe more so a factor for adults than school kids. Freedom of expression, cost and self-expression are among the main concerns of mandatory school uniforms. While student uniforms are the first considered, there are advantages of school uniform options for certain staff as well. In conclusion, school uniforms help address the school bullying issue, safety issue, and help students focus on studying, not their clothes. The debate over whether students should wear school uniforms has been going on for more than a decade. Following the rules is important, but there are also times when it is important to not follow the rules. Wearing a uniform takes away our freedom of expression as it limits how we can express ourselves. This prevents formation of cliques that could at times become gangs of bad influence. 2.3 Reduction on the rate of bullying. Its not fair since not all people are rich and cant afford to be dressed in the top fashion. When all students are dressed alike, competition between students over clothing choices and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive or less fashionable outfits can be eliminated. There are many school uniforms pros and cons—one major argument against school uniforms often posed by students in the school uniforms debate is that school uniforms stifle creativity and freedom of expression. About Cookie's. 1. Wearing uniforms produces strict attitude to a person appearance, creates certain style, and gives confidence in communication. When kids are told to wear uniforms, they have to wear it in a certain way, the tie has to be perfect, the clothes have to be well ironed and many such things. The reasons behind this are that; Uniform can be expensive and may steal the student’s right of expression and freedom of choice. School uniforms cost a lot of money. Requiring school uniforms is a contentious issue. What are good reasons for wearing school uniforms?School uniforms promote learning.School uniforms nourish a sense of equality.School uniforms promote a feeling of community.School uniforms make it easier to get ready for school.Uniforms help prevent embarrassing problems while promoting self-discipline.School uniforms improve safety. Therefore school is a place where we come to study, not to show our wealth. Answer (1 of 10): I find wearing school uniform really amazing. Initially, school is where we all progress at an extremely youthful age. The debate about whether or not students should wear uniforms to school has never stopped. This could lower the child's grade, which would upset the parents and the kids. The strongest argument against wearing school uniforms is the negative connotation of uniformity. It may teach compliance rather than creativity. Service staff, such as custodial or food service professionals, can wear uniforms to reduce the wear and tear on their own wardrobes. Through the uniform policy, parents save costs. One of the biggest reasons why uniforms are promoted and appreciated throughout the world is because they promote equality among students. The use of school uniforms fosters group identity and membership, and thus building a community spirit. Uniforms are also regarded as promoting school-pride; they lower the costs for parents paying for clothing and according to many schools, they provide a more orderly environment which allows students to focus better on their work and achieve higher academic standards. This gives teachers some authority over students. One of the best reasons for school uniforms? With school uniforms, students are expected to wear a certain look to go to school. Why should we wear school uniforms reasons? Students should have the will to express themselves through there clothing. Wearing a uniform is a badge of pride, creates an identity for a school and is an important part of being a school student. It gives me pride to my school, it makes me focus and also I love looking smart. Students will no longer make comparisons between themselves and others. 9.Uniforms are cost effective. Yes yes yes. Students are hypersensitive to social hierarchies and in-group and out-group dynamics. Most parents and educators support mandatory school uniforms. The reason why school uniform is compulsory because some students in lower classes, middle classes, upper classes. In today’s world, we have numerous cultures, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. This teaches kids how be disciplined from a young age. Equality among student. The school uniform might create a fashion balance, but it also creates a natural rebellion against group thinking. Opponents of school uniforms state that wearing uniforms violates a child's right to freedom of expression and limits his ability to express himself through fashion. Fashion trends and owning the latest styles become the priority, and it could lead to a downturn in that child’s progress at school. School uniforms make it easier on families to shop for school clothes. Here are some reasons why school uniforms are essential: They help kids to dress smartly to the school, the school dress, will help them to become confident. School uniforms can save parents money. Some people argue against students having to wear uniforms because it conflicts with their rights to self-expression. Uniforms are also thought to contribute positively to the development of the sense of discipline. We want to help our kids avoid issues related to modesty and cleanliness. School uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying. Uniforms will also allow form more camaraderie amongst students, as socioeconomic lines will be blurred. It also, therefore, automatically leads to celebratingindividuality of a person. Proponents: School uniforms are available across a range of prices so that every pupil can afford it. Uniforms Can Be Handed Down. “Uniforms show that you are part of an organisation. Dirty and unkept outfits quickly become a non-issue when … School Uniforms Stifle Creativity and Individuality. Uniforms and making schools better. The Uniforms in school give some kind of equality which can also be used as a protection for further bullying. While some people argue uniforms have a positive impact on the school environment, others fear they prevent kids from expressing themselves through their clothing choices. Erases Cultural Differences. On average, uniforms are expected to cost $156 per child, a rise of $24, school shoes will cost $97, up $9, and school bags will cost an extra $9 at $59 each. Although I find this unreasonable, I felt compelled to purchase the “leaver’s jumper” for him anyway. It is easier to control who is a part of the educational center. Adding to this, school age children grappling with self-esteem issues may feel that school uniforms exacerbate feelings of self-consciousness.

why should we wear school uniforms?