Pilot-Centric Product Improvement
I led a user research study with private pilots who were beta-testing Honeywell’s Flight Bag Pro application. This application streamlines flight planning, enabling pilots to view, update, and file flight routes. It also provides real-time weather updates, NOTAMs, and TFRs to inform pre-flight checks and potential route adjustments.
To gain valuable insights, I collaborated with the lead UX designer, product owner, and lead flight support specialist to conduct an on-site visit with 11 pilots. We divided the pilots into two groups based on based on years of flying, years in corporate aviation, and aircraft flown.
Usability Testing and FeedbackOne group participated in usability testing, where I observed their interactions with the application and gathered feedback on workflow, design, and potential new features. The other group provided general feedback on the application's overall usability and functionality with the lead UX designer.
The usability testing group provided valuable feedback, including suggestions for workflow improvements, design enhancements, and new features. Additionally, we uncovered several critical bugs that had not been identified in previous testing rounds. We also celebrated the application's successes, which were well-received by the team.
The product owner's presence during the testing sessions was instrumental in gaining firsthand insights into user needs and pain points. This direct feedback allowed us to prioritize issues and features effectively, ensuring that the most impactful changes were addressed first.
Design Collaboration and PrioritizationI collaborated closely with the lead UX designer to conduct thorough reviews of screen designs, heuristic evaluations, and even contributed to certain aspects of screen design prior to the testing.
By incorporating user insights into the design and development process, we were able to enhance the application's usability and overall user experience.