Touching on the practices of the Trokosi system, he said, initially, they used to receive human beings as sacrifices to the gods whenever someone did something wrong . 2018. They organize and mobilize the poor for socio-economic development. The Trokosi system is an outmoded custom that is sadly still practiced in certain parts of the Volta Region in Ghana. 6 Scholars, foreign and local journalists, human rights practitioners, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) such as the following have all drawn attention to the human rights violation entailed in trokosi practice: see generally, International Needs Ghana, Report of the First National Workshop on Trokosi System in Ghana (Accra, Ghana: International Needs Ghana, 1995)Google Scholar [First . Preventing/Halting The Trokosi System Of Slavery In Ghana -The Work Of Juliana Dogbadzi. According to this view, clients who consulted deities for one reason or the other were made to pay for the . Fact - Ewe women who can not conceive and have their own children but believe in this religion consult deities in order to . Five sources are cited in the biblio. . The most important aspect of a research study is the endpoints measured in the study and whether those measurements support the stated conclusion. i didn't even know the driver. The Committee had previously noted that the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC/C/15/Add.73, paragraph 21) had expressed its concern about the persistence of traditional attitudes and harmful practices in Ghana, such as the Trokosi system (ritual enslavement of girls). C. investigates the cultural meaning system and resulting sensorium of Anlo-Ewe-speaking people in southeastern Ghana. A line of refugees crossing the border of Hungary and Austria on their way to Germany. . In this custom, young virgin girls are sent against their wills to live and serve in religious shrines as an atonement of sins or crimes committed by a member of their family. Ghana has come to a point where we cannot do way with alternative medicines. Throughout the reporting period, the President and Vice-President made public remarks about the importance of peaceful religious co-existence. They disseminate information and make the people aware of various schemes, programmes, and projects initiated by the Government for their betterment. View results. Abstract. Importance of national symbols? It is more controversial in normative terms and more difficult to measure in empirical and operational terms. ICT Insight: The importance of quality in software; part 3. Originally, the trokosi was a system that helped its people to find truth about the world (Bilyeu, 1999). this same system robbed me of my childhood. Democracy, the public sphere, and power elites: examining the Ghanaian private media's role in political corruption. Very Rev. . A trokosi is a young girl who has been enslaved under the trokosi system. "3.8 Trokosi system and idol worship 3.8.1 Some applicants may make an asylum and/or human rights claim based on them having been victims of, or otherwise involved in, the Trokosi system (a practice involving a period of enforced domestic servitude lasting up to three . The human rights violations of this practice are numerous and include violation of both . Trokosi is a cultural practice that is still practiced in many African countries such as Ghana, Togo and Benin. Should trokosi system be abolished? African Women and Children. They disseminate information and make the people aware of various schemes, programmes, and projects initiated by the Government for their betterment. Trokosi was brought to national and media attention in 1993 (Akyeampong 2001: 11). Trokosi entails families giving their young virgin female relatives to a shrine priest, for a period of servitude, to appease the gods for the wrongdoings committed by a family member or even as a gift in appreciation for significant events. Speaking on the importance of support for women affected by these acts, Mr. Heitey Yankson, the Case and Programs Manager of Engage Now Africa (ENA), had the following to say: . Myth - Trokosi means slave or wife of the Fetish or keeper of the shrine. Trokosi in the Ewe language means "wife of god" and is a practice by which witch doctors force families to give a young girl (8 to 12 years old . Additionally . reasons why trokosi system should be abolished? The various dimensions of their role are: 1. The editor, an international lawyer and member of the English . Parallel Cultures II. The Government often took steps to promote interfaith understanding. "Tro" means god and "Kosi" can be . We can compete with the best in the world if we are given the . -Protest Against Colonialism In The Gold Coast. "Among the major adverse consequences of the trokosi system, the women do not have the chance to go to school; rather, some of them are taken out of school and sent into servitude as trokosis. 2020. Stories matter," Morgan, former professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and author of dozens of reports on media effects, told HuffPost. This educational deprivation is passed on to the children they have with the priests." The trokosi system is a traditional religious practice found in parts of Ghana, Benin and Togo. Her position is a lionized one; it is no way subordinate to the priest. This trokosi system turns virgin girls into slaves of the gods to atone for . 4. Trokosi, which originates from the same belief system as voodoo, is practised in at least 12 shrines in Ghana and scores of others in neighbouring Togo and Benin. 20 years later, i am on a journey to understand what really happened. Nonetheless, Victims of the Trokosi practice were not left . That sentiment was common among the researchers we spoke to, although all of them . Myth - Trokosi means slave or wife of the Fetish or keeper of the shrine. . Ritual servitude is a practice in Ghana, Togo, and Benin where traditional religious shrines (popularly called fetish shrines in Ghana) take human beings, usually young virgin girls, in payment for services or in religious atonement for alleged misdeeds of a family member. In the . They sought to sensitize the priests to the detrimental effects of enslaving girls and persuaded them to accept alternate forms of compensation. virgin, slave or wife. The System of Trokosi essays and term papers available at, the largest free essay community. premier. It is used frequently by both normative and non-normative or existential thinkers. . Culture must be humanly friendly and should not infringe on the human rights of people. Important Factors Examining the Record in Africa . 2. Key Words: Trokosi, Nyigbla religion,. over 17 shrines in the South Eastern part of Ghana which are practicing the Trokosi system and about 6 girls were sent to some of these shrines to atone for the sins committed by their relatives in this year alone (Lamptey, 2011). i was placed on the back of a motorbike. . Cognitively controlled habits achieve rationally proposed goals. ENA provided a sum of money to 6 women bound to the trokosi system in order to support their economic activities. In Peter Geschiere's now seminal work, The Modernity of Witchcraft, witchcraft discourse, and the occult more generally in West Africa, is presented as a flexible and ambivalent mechanism to narrate and interpret social change, and not a logically closed system of beliefs and practices in the manner described by earlier structural . News Ghana. Even if she is chosen to be set free in her later life, she is left bare-footed, unskilled, illiterate and ignorant. Photo credit Mstyslav Chernov. View results. It also contributes to theory on culture. "The most important tool is education, people should be educated to know that together we have to protect . In practice, however, even though cultural practices such the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), the "Trokosi" system and widowhood rights are frowned upon by society, they are being practised in . Ghanaians are against this religious practice and are calling for an abolishment of the practice. Some of these outmoded and inhuman cultures are widowhood rites, female circumcision, trokosi system etc. "The most important tool is education, people should be educated to know that together we have to protect . Abstract. Trokosi is a traditional belief system where virgin girls, sometimes as young as four years are sent to shrines as slaves to atone for crimes or misdeeds committed by a relative or friend to the virgin girl's family. [] Members of the Trokosi practice in Ghana In certain communities in the West Africa, underage girls are handed to the shrine for a sin they didn't commit but a sin that was committed by a family member. by Benjamin N. Lawrance Banner photo by Gatan Noussouglo. What happens here is that when a family member of a young girl commits a crime against the gods of the land, the young girl is sent to a fetish shrine as a form of atonement of the sins committed by the elderly member of her family. While we see a steady improvement in the state of software quality and continuity in Ghana, the need for various types of software testing is still unknown . The importance of males in patrilineal systems does not fully explain the choice of females as victims regarding most negative traditional practices considering the prominent status of males in even matrilineal systems where the family is traced through a known female . Trokosi is a traditional belief system where virgin girls, sometimes as young as four years are sent to shrines as slaves to atone for crimes or misdeeds committed by a relative or friend to the virgin girl's family. 2. The Trokosi System According to oral tradition supported by Trokosi priests and elders in some parts of Ghana, the origin of the Trokosi system could be traced to the practice of paying deities for services rendered (Nukunya, 2003). They would then serve at the shrine denying them an opportunity to lead a normal life including getting . Devadasi system is not only exploitation of women, it is the institutionalized exploitation of women; it is the exploitation of Dalits, the lower class of untouchables; it is the religious sanction given to prostitution of helpless economically and socially deprived women; It is the glorification of humiliation of women. The. A trokosi hinges between the god and mortals, whereas the priest is exclusionary mortal and often relays messages between the god-mortal spouses. undertake very important ventures or needed something very badly would promise to offer their daughters to the deities if they were . Australia is, of course, not limited to her newspapers. In Ghana and in Togo, it is practiced by the Ewe people in the Volta . The whole system of Special Procedures, including the Independent Expert on SOGI and the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, will indeed have the formidable challenge of reconciling and harmonizing all pertinent human rights with a view to producing 'practical concordance'; ultimately, there should neither be an abstract . South Korea and Australia Recycling Systems. Merchandising Businesses and the Importance of Computerized Accounting Systems. Richardson will serve at the Baptist Vocational Training Center of the Ghana Baptist Convention (GBC) where they teach vocational skills to young women who are former slaves of the Trokosi system. When a crime is commited, the fetish priest consults the gods to ascertain which family has committed the crime. Walter, together with his team led the negotiation process with Trokosi priests to release their slaves in a diplomatic manner. i thought it was the strong wind . 2. The Importance Of WEB Dubois And Martin Luther King Jr To The African Liberation Struggle - The Long Suffering Nature Of Non- Violent Protest. Birth registration - an important pre-requisite for the protection of children both in terms of welfare services and in cases of justice - is still not reaching all children. Cultural Rights Versus Human Rights: A Critical Analysis of the Trokosi Practice in Ghana and the role of Civil Society' (2015) J Asomah. Oct 8, 2015. Geurts . Trokosi law. . The Ewe tribe conducted this rite to virgin girls around the Volta region of Ghana. . At government meetings and receptions, there was usually a multidenominational invocation led by leaders from various religious groups. often talked about in accra. Critical Studies in Media Communication 37 (3), 221-237. , 2020. Based on the recognition of the importance of the roles and status of women in development Speaking on the importance of support for women affected, Mr. Heitey Yankson, the Case and Programs Manager at ENA had the following to say. In alignment with this, the dismantling of the Trokosi system must include space, resources and opportunities for believers and practitioners of this religion to accesses the oral historical narratives that have been colonized and washed of indigeneity and to collectively self-determine who they get to be in today's world. September 6th, 2015. varying views concerning the origin of the Trokosi system, demands for females to serve the gods on behalf of the people or particular family as a result of predicaments was explicitly mentioned. ). 3. Following the story of Brigitte Sossou Perenyi, a young lady who was married off to the gods and separated from her family as remuneration for the sins of a family member at age seven, we learn about the destructive Trokosi system that has effectively become a means of enslaving African women in Ghana, Togo and Benin by the Ewe people. The troxovi system lies at the interface of traditional religion, social structure, and social/crime control; hence, one cannot fully understand the system without also understanding these factors.Trokosis children, mostly female virgins, are made to atone for the crimes of family members. Inherent in this system is the This is basically what Trokosi is all about. India's Caste System. The trokosi system is a practice whereby a child who is a virgin, . Trokosi translates to "slave of the gods," or "wife of the deity," and the practice entails young girls being forced into manual labor by fetish priests to "serve the gods." At puberty, the girls become the priests' sexual property as well, and they are to serve their priest for the rest of their lives without any pay or food. Trokosi is practiced till this day in certain communities in Benin, Togo and Ghanaeven though it was declared illegal in Ghana in 1998. the unedited texts of a select number of the most important documents. important role in the welfare and development administration. Human neuroscience assumes the reward circuit [10] as an analog to that of non-human animals. It is seen as fair and less prone to abuse. 3. There are an estimated 3,500 girls and women bound to various shrines in the Trokosi system, a figure that does not include the slaves . The research is significant because it highlights the religio- cultural practice and suggests ways of eliminating it. The law cannot change beliefs. According to the 16 June 1996 report in The Independent, however, head of state, Jerry Rawlings "has spoken of the Trokosi as an important part of Ghana's cultural heritage." This source claims Trokosi is still common in the rural east, and that the Christian campaigns to have it outlawed "led to Trokosi becoming more deeply entrenched" (ibid. They organize and mobilize the poor for socio-economic development. The study analyzes trokosi, the keeping of vi rgin girls in a religious and cultural bondage in Ghana.

importance of trokosi system