container_memory_working_set_bytes vs container_memory_usage_bytes

1. usage_in_bytes is affected by the method and doesn't show 'exact' value of memory (and swap) usage, it's a fuzz value for efficient access. 2. container_memory_max_usage_bytes: source is Memory.MaxUsage, which - for cgroups v1 - gets its value from the memory.max_usage_in_bytes file; container_memory_working_set_bytes: source is Memory.WorkingSet, which - for cgroups v1 - is assigned the result of subtracting inactive_file inside the memory.stat file from the value inside the . # Threshold for persistent volume usage bytes, metric will be sent only when persistent volume utilization . emptyDir does not work, have not tried hostPath. Only core query calculation is listed, sum by different entities are not show in this list.. It is designed to supersede the DVD format, and capable of storing several hours of high-definition video (HDTV 720p and 1080p).The main application of Blu-ray is as a medium for video material such as feature films and for the physical distribution of video games for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation . Exceed a Container's memory limit. In prometheus expression browser, you can get the same value as kubectl top: Copy. kubernetes.container.memory.usage.bytes. The containers themselves are creared on the stack. It does include all stack and heap memory. Average CPU % Calculates average CPU used per node. "Kubernetes" (v1.10.2) says that my pod (which contains one container) is using about 5GB memory. Some metircs are slightly different in different version of Prometheus. kubernetes.pod.memory.usage.limit.pct. Memory usage as a percentage of the defined limit for the pod containers (or total node allocatable memory if unlimited) type: scaled_float. container_memory_working_set_bytes metric is monitored for OOMKill . Total memory usage. And as I understand, the Virtual bytes are bytes allocated in virtual memory (using VirtualAlloc etc) and private bytes are bytes allocated in local . Usage and working set tracking -m Or --memory: Set the memory usage limit, such as 100M, 2G. kubernetes.pod.memory.usage.limit.pct. (gauge) {Perf} container's working set memory usage in bytes. It is an estimate of how much memory cannot be evicted: // The amount of working set memory, this includes recently accessed memory, // dirty memory, and kernel memory. If free memory in the computer is above a threshold, pages are left in the Working Set of a process even if they are not in use. cpuUsagePercentage: Aggregated average CPU utilization measured in percentage across the cluster. This value is collected by cAdvisor. From the graphics it can be seen that with an ever increasing container_memory_usage_bytes, it is not easy to determine a memory limit for this deployment. However, keep in mind that container_memory_working_set_bytes (WSS) is not perfect either. 100*(sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{container!=""}) by (node)/sum (kube_node_status_allocatable_memory_bytes) by (node)) Note: If the workloads are unevenly distributed within the cluster, and some balancing work should be done to allow effective use of the full cluster capacity. The Working Set is the current size, in bytes, of the . It is worth mentioning that if you are using resource limits on your pods, then you need to monitor both of them to prevent your pods from being oom-killed. Hello! Pods will be CPU throttled when they exceed their CPU limit. The command should follow the syntax: WorkingSet uint64 `json . cAdvisor (short for container Advisor) analyzes and exposes resource usage and performance data from running containers. usage_in_bytes is affected by the method and doesn't show 'exact' value of memory (and swap) usage, it's a fuzz value for efficient access. Pod CPU usage down to 500m. Kubernetes container name. My understanding is you are correct that it is a subset of the cache. Monitoring cAdvisor with Prometheus cAdvisor exposes container and hardware statistics as Prometheus metrics out of the box. Container Memory Limit(MB) Memory limit for the container in MegaBytes. This metric is derived from prometheus metric 'container_spec_memory_limit_bytes'. This metric is derived from prometheus metric 'container_memory_working_set_bytes'. sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{name!~"POD"}) by (name) POD . Metrics data is collected as performance log events using the embedded metric format. Dropping high-cardinality "unimportant" metrics. Docker uses the following two sets of parameters to control the amount of container memory used. The amount of Working Set memory includes recently accessed memory, dirty memory, and kernel memory. Good to have it though since it can be useful to count and . So when our pod was hitting its 30Gi memory limit, we decided to dive into it to understand how memory is allocated . If I run the same image and the same PowerShell command on Windows Server 2016, I see 16GB of memory. This is because it literally takes the fuzzy, not exact container_memory_usage_bytes and subtracts the value from total_inactive_file counter which is a number of bytes of file-backed memory on the inactive LRU list.. On the one hand, it may make unanticipated excess memory usage obvious early ("fail fast"); on the other hand it also terminates processes abruptly. It can span multiple Kubernetes clusters under the same monitoring umbrella. Can anypony explain how to get from 681MiB to 5GB with the following data (or describe how to make up the . I'm guessing the lightweight VM is only being given 1GB. Therefore, Working set is (lesser than or equal to) </= "usage". // Units: Bytes. My understanding is you are correct that it is a subset of the cache. format: percent. cAdvisor exposes Prometheus metrics out of the box.In this guide, we will: create a local multi-container Docker Compose installation that includes containers running Prometheus, cAdvisor, and a Redis server, respectively; examine some container metrics produced by the Redis . . But a Container is not allowed to use more than its memory limit. # value in Mib. From this . If the Container continues to consume memory beyond its limit . emptyDir does not work, have not tried hostPath. gauge. When files are mapped (mmap) they are loaded into the page cache, so it would be double counting to include it. But when I make kubectl top pod I saw the same value The working set contains only pageable memory allocations; nonpageable memory allocations such as Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) or large page allocations are not included in the . One is that free is just some utility on the container, vs working set are (if we trust cadvisor doing it well) is what cgroup is showing from . Working set is <= "usage". The working set of a process is the set of pages in the virtual address space of the process that are currently resident in physical memory. However, the container_memory_working_set_bytes metric excludes cached data and is what Kubernetes uses for OOM/scheduling decisions, making it a better metric for monitoring/alerting memory saturation. container_memory_working_set_bytes container_memory_usage_bytes container_memory_usage_bytescachefilesystem cachemem pressure container_memory_working_set_bytes mem usageoom killercontainer_memory_working . Working set memory usage as a percentage of the defined limit for the container (or total node allocatable memory if unlimited) scaled_float. Hi @rrichardson; thanks for the issue!I'd be surprised if node_exporter is exporting container_* metrics, but cadvisor (embedded in the kubelet) exports metrics in a hierarchical fashion - and hence if we aggregate lower levels of the hierarchy with upper levels, we can get doubling. As you can see from the table above, the memory footprint for the sidecar (running openjdk 8) alone is 4-5 times bigger than the node-app . What is really weird it appears that not setting a limit causes container_memory_working_set_bytes to report memory with out cache usage, but setting a limit makes it include cached memory. long. This endpoint may be customized by setting the -prometheus_endpoint and -disable_metrics or -enable_metrics command-line flags. Monitor pod level CPU usage vs limit and Memory usage vs limit we must begin with the virtual . memoryRssExceededPercentage [M] (gauge) container's rss memory usage exceeded configured threshold % . # Threshold for persistent volume usage bytes, metric will be sent only when persistent volume utilization . The value pointed out as "Mem usage" is actually the size of a processes working set. This bug has affected me for 2 years. cadvisor container_memory_usage_bytes cgroup memory.usage_in_bytescontainer_memory_working_set_bytes cadvisor Summary: Console displays "working_set_bytes" for "memory use for pods" but this value . Because of the limits we see throttling going on (red). In this guide you'll configure Prometheus to drop any metrics not referenced in the Kube-Prometheus stack's dashboards. armed with these tools, let's get to business and try to characterize the various kinds of memory usage in windows processes. The pod uses 700m and is throttled by 300m which sums up to the 1000m it tries to use. When they both reach the limit set on the container, the OOMKiller kills the container and the process starts over. container_memory_working_set_bytes (as already mentioned by Olesya) is the total usage - inactive file. Bug 1874116 - Console displays "working_set_bytes" for "memory use for pods" but this value does not include RSS. The limit of swap space set Shown as byte: kubernetes.memory.requests (gauge) The requested memory Shown as byte: kubernetes.memory.usage (gauge) Current memory usage in bytes including all memory regardless of when it was accessed Shown as byte: kubernetes.memory.working_set (gauge) Current working set in bytes - this is what the OOM killer is . These performance log events use a structured JSON schema that enables high-cardinality data to be ingested and stored at scale. Working set is <= "usage . None Product: OpenShift Container Platform Classification: Red Hat Component: Node Sub Component: Version: 4.5 . The shared data includes pages that contain all instructions your application executes, including those in your DLLs and the system DLLs. container_memory_working_set_bytes container_memory_usage_bytes container_memory_usage_bytescachefilesystem cachemem pressure container_memory_working_set_bytes mem usageoom killercontainer_memory_working . Exceed a Container's memory limit. I check few k8s pod's and I saw that It can be smaller than node_namespace_pod_container:container_memory_rss or node_namespace_pod_container:container_memory_cache. Inside the container, RSS is saying more like 681MiB. container_memory_usage_bytes. memoryWorkingSetBytes When analyzing the memory performance of a process using a tool like Process Explorer (or - with Windows Vista or 7 - changing the displayed columns in the task manager; see link below how this can be done . Prometheus is known for being able to handle millions of time series with only a few resources. CPU requests are set in cpu units where 1000 millicpu ("m") equals 1 vCPU or 1 Core. usage_in_bytes: For efficiency, as other kernel components, memory cgroup uses some optimization to avoid unnecessary cacheline false sharing. Grafanadashboard +Dashboard Add Query container_memory_usage_bytes Good to have it though since it can be useful to count and . Pod tries to use 1 CPU but is throttled. As a result it is important to understand how the aforementioned container metrics are involved in OOMKill decision. 1. vmmap.exe -p myapp output.csv. Reported are the amount of heap memory allocated by the . # pod, container are the label name, depends on your case. Setting a limit has the effect of immediately killing a container process if the combined memory usage of all processes in the container exceeds the limit, and is therefore a mixed blessing. 43. The better metric is container_memory_working_set_bytes as this is what the OOM killer is watching for. The system has 16GB of memory. When files are mapped (mmap) they are loaded into the page cache, so it would be double counting to include it. What is really weird it appears that not setting a limit causes container_memory_working_set_bytes to report memory with out cache usage, but setting a limit makes it include cached memory. Memory usage discrepancy: cgroup memory.usage_in_bytes vs. RSS inside docker container. Even "container_memory_working_set_bytes" is not exactly 1:1 to `Total - Available` for node `free -h` as there are so many caches that kernel uses memory for, that there will be some differences. This metric is . This bug has affected me for 2 years. Reducing your Prometheus active series usage. Listed is the TSCO metrics mapping to Prometheus API queries.Not include derived metrics. Used to determine the usage of cores in a container where many applications might be using one core. But a Container is not allowed to use more than its memory limit. What include in metric container_memory_working_set_bytes?As I know this metric usage by OOM-killer, but I don't know how to count it. In this article. I constantly have to run bigger nodes because of this. When average node CPU utilization is greater than 80%: Daily Data Cap Breach: When data cap is breached: . Note: If I switch to Linux containers on Windows 10 and do a "docker container run -it debian bash", I see 4GB of . format: percent. Prometheus - Investigation on high memory consumption. container_memory_working_set_bytes (as already mentioned by Olesya) is the total usage - inactive file. memoryRssPercentage: Container RSS memory used in percent. gauge. To calculate container memory utilization we use: sum (container_memory_working_set_bytes{name!~"POD"}) by (name) In the above query, we need to exclude the container who's name contains "POD". This guide has purposefully avoided making statements about which metrics are . 2. . --memory-swap: Set the usage limit of . percent. container_memory_usage_bytes == container_memory_rss + container_memory_cache + container_memory_kernel. Usage above limits. Metric used container_memory_working_set_bytes. Prom alert container/pod memory . When average working set memory usage per container is greater than 95%. When average node CPU utilization is greater than 80%: Daily Data Cap Breach: When data cap is breached: . If a Container allocates more memory than its limit, the Container becomes a candidate for termination. A Container can exceed its memory request if the Node has memory available. This guide describes three methods for reducing Grafana Cloud metrics usage when shipping metric from Kubernetes clusters: Deduplicating metrics sent from HA Prometheus deployments. The memory usage pattern should be quite clear by then. The Blu-ray Disc (BD), often known simply as Blu-ray, is a digital optical disc storage format. The Working Set is the set of memory pages touched recently by the threads in the process. memoryRssBytes: Container RSS memory used in bytes. byte. Memory can be set with Ti, Gi, Mi, or Ki units. At Coveo, we use Prometheus 2 for collecting all of our monitoring metrics. If a Container allocates more memory than its limit, the Container becomes a candidate for termination. If no limit is set, then the pods can use excess memory and CPU when available. Running this in minikube with memory requests and limits both set to 128MB we see that both container_memory_usage_bytes and container_memory_working_set_bytes track almost 1:1 with each other. The number of elements in the containers ( n) is increased exponentially from 0 (empty) to 512 in the tests. Working Set equals 'memory used - total_inactive_file', see the code here. By default, these metrics are served under the /metrics HTTP endpoint. Grafana. usage_in_bytes: For efficiency, as other kernel components, memory cgroup uses some optimization to avoid unnecessary cacheline false sharing. A working set is not reserved for a single process. Container Memory Swap Limit(MB) Memory swap limit for the container in MegaBytes. To store the elements, the containers will need to use heap memory. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut -m. Within the command, specify how much memory you want to dedicate to that specific container. As the working set size increases, memory demand increases. Setting a limit has the effect of immediately killing a container process if the combined memory usage of all processes in the container exceeds the limit, and is therefore a mixed blessing. { "__inputs": [ { "name": "DS_TEST-ENVIORMENT-K8S", "label": Kubernetes adoption has . By default, Kube Prometheus will scrape almost every available endpoint in your cluster, shipping tens of thousands (possibly hundreds of thousands) of active series to Grafana . So 250m CPU equals of a CPU. If they are needed they will then be soft . On the one hand, it may make unanticipated excess memory usage obvious early ("fail fast"); on the other hand it also terminates processes abruptly. container_memory_usage_bytes == container_memory_rss + container_memory_cache + container_memory_kernel. Average CPU % Calculates average CPU used per node. If you run this query in Prometheus: container_memory_working_set_bytes {pod_name=~"<pod-name>", container_name=~"<container-name>", container_name!="POD"} you will get value in bytes that almost matches the output of kubectl top pods. The kubectl top command specifically uses the container_memory_working_set_bytes metric: Working Set Memory. Keeping "important" metrics. I constantly have to run bigger nodes because of this. When free memory falls below a threshold, pages are trimmed from Working Sets. Set Maximum Memory Access. container_memory_working_set_bytes {pod=~ "<pod name>" ,container=~ "<container name>" } / 1024 / 1024. Memory usage as a percentage of the defined limit for the pod containers (or total node allocatable memory if unlimited) type: scaled_float. Introduction Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights helps customers collect, aggregate, and summarize metrics and logs from containerized applications and microservices. It is an estimate of how much memory cannot be evicted: // The amount of working set memory, this includes recently accessed memory, // dirty memory, and kernel memory. Here only the old version of metrics are listed. If 'container_memory_rss' increased to. The image above shows the pod's container now tries to use 1000m (blue) but this is limited to 700m (yellow). A Container can exceed its memory request if the Node has memory available. The container_memory_usage_bytes metric isn't an accurate indicator for out of memory (OOM) prevention as it includes cached data (i.e., filesystem) that can evict in memory pressure scenarios. If the Container continues to consume memory beyond its limit . container_memory_working_set_byteslimit oom . container_memory_working_set_bytes container_memory_usage_bytes container_memory_usage_bytescachefilesystem cachemem pressure container_memory_working_set_bytes mem usageoom killercontainer_memory_working . Container_memory_working_set_bytes: From the cAdvisor code, the working set memory is defined as: The amount of working set memory and it includes recently accessed memory,dirty memory, and kernel memory. 3. When average working set memory usage per container is greater than 95%. To limit the maximum amount of memory usage for a container, add the --memory option to the docker run command. The system has 16GB of physical memory.

container_memory_working_set_bytes vs container_memory_usage_bytes