. The others three structures are; The Akapana Pyramid, the Kalasasaya Platform, and the Subterranean Temple. We have very little . Fortunately, the ancient books of India's Rama Empire have been preserved, unlike those of China, Egypt, Central America, Peru . Pumapunku is a large temple complex which is located near Tiwanaku, Bolivia. It . Vreemd lijkt het ook dat de Puma Punku site volledig verstoord is terwijl het lager gelegen ceremonieel plein van 135 m bij 130 m, Kalasasaya geheten en de 'verzonken tempel', onbeschadigd . Such destruction continues until the present time at the hands of irresponsible inhabitants of the place, in . Here we are, a century-and-a-half later, and . In the Aymara language, the name Puma Punku means "The Door of the Puma". Advances in Titicaca Basin Archaeology III. It's free and setting up an account only takes a moment. Erich Von Daniken is the well-known author of the book "Chariots of the Gods?Unsolved Mysteries of the Past", written in 1968 and subsequently became a bestseller, a reference point for all those who have approached the so-called Ancient Astronaut Theory.. One building in particular, known as the Pumapunku, was described by Spanish conquistadors and travelers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, as a wondrous, though unfinished, building . Precision blocks from Puma Punku recycled to make a farmer's house entrance Considered to be an architectural wonder of its time (AD 500-950), Puma Punku has been ransacked over the last 500 years to a point where none of the remaining 150 blocks that comprised the original building remain in their original place. Further damage was caused by people quarrying stone for building and railroad construction, and target practice by military personnel. Puma Punku is a large temple complex located in Tiwanaku, Bolivia. human skeletons reaching up to 12 feet in height. I hear blasting sounds and fire. Partial view of floor slabs in red granit. The Puma Punku complex of carved stone walls in the high desert destroyed by a flood and buried in mud. He also speaks of the misuse of power and warnings of destruction to come. If could add one question to the above request for a Puma Punku reading, I would ask this: South of Puma Punku (but still in Bolivia) below the Yuni salt flat lies ruins of a former town. The ruins of Puma Punku, about one mile from the famous ruins of Tiahuanaco, are massive megalithic . When you visit Tiwanaku and Puma Punku, they look like a cataclysm has given its best shot to destroy them a very long time ago, and with the evidence of advanced agriculture beginning in both South America and the fertile crescent at about the same time, we must reconsider the idea that perhaps the Fuenta Magna bowl, is in fact, just part of a . The origin of Puma punku Puma punku is the most attractive ancient site on the planet. Von Daniken developed a great interest in ancient . . Part of the site of Tiwanaku is known as Puma Punku, in the Bolivian Andes. This destruction continued during the Spanish conquest and colonial period, and during 19th century and the early 20th century. Major edifices suffered serious destruction . Star holes (Norway and USA) and geometruic holes (Puma Punku) are made by shaping the tube. Floor slab with pillar foundation, about 20 meter long, 4.50 meter wide and weighing 130 t. Spread across a desert plateau, at an altitude over 12,000 feet, the megalithic stones found here are among the largest on the planet, measuring up to 26 feet long and weighing more than 100 tons each. And then one day, suddenly, the inhabitants of Pumapunku vanished and a great civilization came toppling down. Puma Punku's construction is generally argued to have taken place beginning around . RAMA EMPIRE OF INDIA Source: gohighbrow.com. Puma Punku is a complex of ruins, part of a large temple group that is part of the Tiwanaku site near Tiwanaku, Bolivia ca 4000 m above sea level. Other legends speak of the destruction of the ancient civilisation by a . Some stones have remained in their original position and shape, but many seem completely blasted apart. The Evidence These blocks are made of Red Sandstone and Andesite. Destruction at Tiwanaku and Puma Punku Both sites look like they have been hit with a tidal wave or some other kind of cataclysm. "Sumerian on the left, and Tiwanaku/Puma Punku on the right. It is located near the southeastern shore of Lake Titicaca and sits on a plateau in the Andes at roughly 12,600 feet of elevation. Even though you reshape a skull it will not affect the volume. the destruction of every building on the . Answer (1 of 5): We look back into Ancient evidence, and our only answers are Aliens. . Puma Punku, an archeological structure built in the mountains of Bolivia, was constructed with such precision that a piece of paper can't be slid between the blocks. It will be in the volume in which one can decide if these skulls are off world. (Cayce) 485,000 BC: Alalu, from the planet referred to as "Nibiru", arrives on earth. . RAMA EMPIRE OF INDIA. We now have excellent geological evidence of ancient mega-floods around the world, with conclusive data in the America's, and China roughly 12,000 to 14,000 years ago. Some of the larger stone slabs at the nearby site of Puma Punku. The others three structures are; The Akapana Pyramid, the Kalasasaya Platform, and the Subterranean Temple. In regards to the skulls, one must check cranial capacity. If the people who built this place cut these stones using stone cutting techniques, then they would . The word "Puma Punku" is Aymaran and translates to "Door of the Cougar". Puma Punku is a large temple complex on the edge of Tiahuanaco. Metal clamps were also used at Tiwanaku and Puma Punku in Bolivia, and it is generally believed that a copper alloy was poured molten into the carved indentations in the blocks; the blocks would therefore have had to be lying flat on the ground, with the surfaces to be joined facing upwards. Their legends explain that Viracocha created humans from the earth on a great rock. Pumapunku, also spelled Puma Punku, is the remains of a holy site in the jungles of Bolivia that has attracted much attention as of late. share: Ansuzrune. It looks like there was a . It is situated near the south eastern shore of Lake Titicaca, and sits on a plateau in the Andes at roughly 12,600 feet elevation. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology University of Michigan . Ancient Central American Floods: Destruction at Chichen Itza, Yucatan Mexico. link. Here, 45 miles west of La Paz, isolated high in the Andes Mountains, lie the mysterious ancient ruins of Puma Punku. While it is the largest free standing sculpture, the construction blocks used in the megalithic platform of Puma Punku are by far the largest on site, weighing an exstimate 200 to 460 tons. Even if they are, it still doesn't mean aliens, only that Colombians figured out how to make gliders. Interpreting the Meaning of Ritual Spaces - The Temple Complex of Puma Punku, Tiwanaku, Bolivia - A. Vranich (1999).pdf. Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) is an ancient city whose remains are located over two miles above sea level near the southern end of Lake Titicaca on the Altiplano of Bolivia.It was first encountered by Spanish conquistadors in 1549. His 23 books are available on this website & amazon.com. Transporting readers around the globe, Ancient Aliens explores the fascinating enigmas and mysterious artifacts our ancestors left behind, from incredible objects to amazingly accurate ancient maps; from the Great Pyramid of Giza and stone megaliths at Gobekli Tepe to the Nazca Plains and mysterious structures of Puma Punku. The ruins of Puma Punku are one of four structures in the ancient city of Tiahuanaco. Ancient Aliens s04e06 - The Mystery of Puma Punku Episode Script. By John Janusek. . (Detail from a painting of Puma Punku in the June 2002 issue of National Geographic magazine.) It was built directly by extra-terrestrials. - Sign In or Create Account - . Researchers investigate the ruins on-location in Peru and present new computer analysis. The ruins of Puma Punku are one of four structures in the ancient city of Tiahuanaco. Tiwanaku and Puma Punku: Proof Of Ancient Flood Destruction About Brien Foerster Brien has explored more than 90 countries but his true passion is researching and writing about the ancient megalithic works found in Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Easter Island, Egypt, England, and beyond. . Arthur Posnansky who spent decades working at Tiawanaku (Puma Punku) in Bolivia, was convinced those ruins, . During the time period between 300 BC . Marduk's Revolt, Tower at Babel, Expulsion of the Angels, Chronos War, Aesir/Vanir War, Atlas' Revolt, Titan War, The Mahabharat War, Sodom and Gomorrah, the destruction at Puma Punku, The destruction of the original structure at Temple Mound, the destruction of the original structure at Baalbek. . The architectural features and artifacts of Tiwanaku have suffered from collapse, looting, destruction, and amateur excavations, since the end of the Tiwanaku empire. How could all these civilians develop the same creation and destruction by flood stories unless they were independent accounts of real events that were independent accounts of actual events that were documented by humans . He also speaks of the misuse of power and warnings of destruction to come. It doesn't take advanced tooling or tools the ancients didn't have, to work the stone "cement" while it is still in a plastic stage. Puma punku is the most attractive ancient site on the planet. Target 1: The event involving Sodom and Gomorrah as described in Genesis 19:24 - "Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven". It is a part of a much larger archae. On the east side is located the site known as Kantatayita and on south is the large archaeological site of Puma Punku, where can be found megaliths that weigh more than 440 tons. the early colonial descriptions prior to the complete destruction of the standing andesite architecture convey a sense of awe rather than a specific architectural . That said Puma Punku was later rebuilt and reinhabited and was again destroyed when melting ace and mudslides buried it over 12.000 years ago. Read our article if you would like to learn how to explore of the enigmatic stone blocks of Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco. . Destruction, Flood * Some of the structures in the area remain intact, but much . Puma Punku is translated to mean 'lion's door' or 'lions gate', and Posnansky documents the discovery of a small door at the temple that he contended was designed for the lion of the Andes, the puma. GL, way back at 8:02 PM on the day before yesterday you claimed that the destruction of Puma Punku was at about the same time as the Younger Dryas. Not exactly rocket science. But is that the only thing we can say? It is considered the most intriguing ancient site in the world. 3. In Aymara, the name Puma Punku means, "The Door of the Cougar". Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown ( Genesis 6:4 ). During the . Puma Punku is now understood to be at least 12,000 - 17,000 years old, essentially, right out of the Stone Age. Feb 2-2018 7 Metre "Giant Skeleton" On Display In . It is a unique in the way it was shaped and constructed. There may be other realities that are answers. Could there have been an advanced civilization, that for some . Perhaps Tiwanaku was built just after the destruction of Puma Punku; but we may never know, even though excavations continue at both sites. In one form or another, you will find it in the Mapuche art work in the south, on the enigmatic stone blocks of Puma Punku, on the embroideries of the Incas, adorning the adobe walls of the city of Chan Chan and woven into the textiles of the war-like Huari culture. The most significant piece of evidence that we have in the entire ancient alien astronaut puzzle can be found in the highlands of Bolivia. 9. This has also assisted in the destruction of the site which continued when the Spanish arrived and even into the early 20th century. 3. . (sympathetic destruction) in abrasive slurry that enables the tool to move forward . . Spectacular in its own right, the Great Pyramid is, yet it pales in comparison to the ruins of Puma Punku in Tiahuanaco, in South America. Floor slab with steps and ramp, about 12 meter long and 4 meter wide, weighing around 85 t. Floor slab with steps and alcoves. Erich Anton Paul von Dniken, between paleo-contact and ancient astronauts hypothesis. . Here there are huge stone blocks (the heaviest . It is world-known for its unusual precision of placement and cutting of stones. However the size, smoothness, and intricate and precision. Student 2: Clinton/Oval Office/White House (period of activity) Student 3: Nagasaki/destruction event (9 August 1945) Student 4: Largest pyramid in Egypt (period of construction) It seems like a major explosion took place here, an annihilation, more than even an earthquake would cause. The stones, some weighing up to 80 tons, are scattered around both sites, and often embedded within the mud. These are all possible causes to the destruction of the once great structure that is now the ruins of Puma Punku. The teeth in the front of the jaw are regular molars. Most research, though, is based around the Tiwanaku IV and V periods between AD 300 and AD 1000, during which Tiwanaku grew significantly in power. and that it is the underlayment of the Puma Punku stones which Posnanky gets his astronomical dates, but I do believe it is Tiwanaku this is referring to and not Puma Punku and Ponanky does not astronomically date Puma Punku, he dates Tiwanaku.Thanos5150 06:07, 9 January 2010 (UTC) [] The other three structures are the Akapana Pyramid, the Kalasasaya Platform, and the Subterranean Temple. The Puma-Punku megaliths could have been made, not by quarrying, but by using the same processes as the pyramid building blocks. Puma Punku is a large archaeological complex located in the archaeological site of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. 2012. Equally as awe-inspiring was the method of their extinction: an asteroid that slammed into Earth causing untold destruction approximately 66 million years ago. "This is how Arthur Posnansky, the great expert of Puma Punku found the site in the early 20th century. By Alexei Vranich. The shape of the tube dictates the shape of the hole. Puma Punku Bolivia and Tiahuanaco hold deep mysteries, and there are nine sacred sites in total to discover. This destruction continued during the Spanish conquest and colonial period, and during 19th century and the early 20th century, and has included . The name means "door of the puma," and as far as archaeologists know, Puma Punku was a thriving, ancient town originating somewhere around 500 and 600 C.E. The ruins of Tiwanaku (A.D. 500-950), in the modern republic of Bolivia, present an archaeological challenge owing to intense looting during the colonial period that effectively demolished the site. The stones in Puma Punku are made up of granite, and diorite, and the only stone that is harder that those two, is the diamond. Tiwanaku has all the features of a harbour, which has led some to describe it as the seaport of nearby Puma Punku another remarkable ancient site (o). The old 2,000 year old Bible that the Catholic church tried to hide reveals this secret about Jesus. Dat alles tegelijk. Also a DNA check would be even more . The departure of this cloud corresponds to the timeframe initially defined by Posnansky for the destruction of Puma Punku (the . Sensational claims require sensational evidence. Puma Punku is a terraced earthen mound that is faced with megalithic blocks. Pumapunku, a name that means "door of the puma," was a holy site started between 500 and 600 CE. Marduk's Revolt, Tower at Babel, Expulsion of the Angels, Chronos War, Aesir/Vanir War, Atlas' Revolt, Titan War, The Mahabharat War, Sodom and Gomorrah, the destruction at Puma Punku, The destruction of the original structure at Temple Mound, the destruction of the original structure at Baalbek. Only a few hundred miles to the south of Cuzco lie the fantastic ruins of Puma Punku, high in the Altiplano of Bolivia. Their heights ranged between 7.6ft and 10 feet and their skulls "presumably those of men, are much larger than the heads of any race which inhabit America to-day." They tend to have a double row of teeth, 6 fingers, 6 toes and like humans came in different races. The Pumapunku (Gateway of the Puma or Jaguar), a highly damaged pre-Columbian monument at the ancient archaeological site of Tiwanaku, Bolivia, has been reconstructed using 3D printed miniature. 3D printed model of Pumapunku Alexei Vranich, 2018 Among the monumental architecture built by the Tiwanaku, whose civilization thrived in what is now Bolivia between 500 and 950 A.D., was a . Drawing from 1848 by Leonce Angrand of the sandstone slabs. It isn't all recent death, it looks like a history of death, destruction and a massacre. . The ruins of Puma Punku are one of four structures in the ancient city of Tiahuanaco. . Inca oral and written traditions tell of the site being the location where the father god, Viracocha (god of action, shaper of many worlds and destroyer of many worlds) created Earth and humans. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features SS is dedicated to The Simpsons and host to thousands of free TV show episode scripts and movie scripts. . Answer (1 of 2): (Image Source: Gaia) Pumapunku is unique in the way it had been constructed, shaped, and positioned. In this period there was also begun the "Pukara" or fortress of Akapana and the Temple of the Moon, today called Puma-Punku. These are suggested to be the crafts launched from Puma Punku. In the words of Vine Deloria, a Native American author . Residential Diversity and the Rise of Complexity in the South-Central Andes. . H-Block and H-Bombs The destruction of Puma Punku is attributed to a flood caused by a meteor strike "several thousand years ago." posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 08:59 PM. The three works have the same orientation, or are 2 49' 7" from the meridian. . Even with modern-day technology and information, these structures defy logic and confound those who seek to solve the mysteries that lie within them. RELATED: . Target 2: The subjects described as "angels" in Genesis 19:1-10 as they are meeting with the subject known as Lot, as well as those townspeople who are said to have . Top Tiwanaku Archaeology Tours: See reviews and photos of Archaeology Tours in Tiwanaku, Bolivia on Tripadvisor.

puma punku destruction