disadvantages of youthful population

It is usually common in LEDC countries like Uganda, where 50% of its population is under the age of 15 years old. Childhood diseases such as measles and diarrhoea can be fatal as there are less hospitals and doctors in LICs. This further leads to increased poverty and lower standards of living. Youth population trends and sustainable development . How to write a theological research paper unicaf essay competition 2020 internet of things essay pdf. Between 2006 and 2011, consumer spending in the country almost doubled, from $549 billion to $1.06 trillion. Refer to examples you have studied. The main disadvantages of an ageing population include increase in pension and health-care costs. But by 2100, Pew Research Center predicts that population growth will level off. Quality education and jobs for the youth are the need of the hour. * Rural-urban migration increases as rural areas are unable to sustain growing population.This could lead to shanty towns. In contrast MEDC's, in stages 4-5, have low birth and death rates and a rectangular shaped population 'pyramid', indicating a large elderly dependent population. What are the disadvantages of low median age? A high population of young people below the age of 16 or 19. Large amount of under 16s in LICs (Low Income Countries) puts a strain on the economy, particularly . It is bordered to thenorth, east and south of . ADVANTAGES. Similarly, a larger working population boosts business profits. Youthful population. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a youthful population? Even this fact could have both advantages and disadvantages, In my opinion the positive implications of having a youthful population over-weigh the negative ones | Band: 4.5 .. What are the advantages of a youthful population? While this type of population has various drawbacks, I believe that its advantages can outweigh the disadvantages. The Impacts of a Youthful Population. Decreased participation rates (amount of people in the . Africa's Youthful Population and the Future of the Continent. Worldwide, an estimated 450 million small-scale farms support a population of roughly 2.2 billion people and represent 85 per cent of all the world's farms. 1) Lots of future workers. Benefits of a young population. Strains education and healthcare services, food supplies and accommodation availability. Youthful Population - Benefits vs Limitations Example: Uganda 69% of population under 24 49% under 15 Fertility rate: 7 children per woman 41% women getting adequate family planning Population increase of 1.2 million per year. Programme is ever enough to cover whol. Useful/Relevant data etc. The high birth rate in LEDCs results in a high proportion of the population under 15. 2) Lots of people to learn from the older generations mistakes. 1) More schools are needed. Simply so, what is a youthful population? Gambia is an example of a country with a youthful population. One of the key challenges faced by African nations in the coming years will be overcoming the challenges and taking advantage of the benefits. Pressure of Population on Land: Over the last four decades from 1971 to 2001, the population of India has increased from 108.9 million in 1971 to 180.6 million in 2001. Africa has more people aged under 20 than anywhere in the world. Disadvantages. For example, in soccer most players retire from their soccer-career when they turn thirty years old. What is a youthful population? Disadvantage: Increased economic pressure to sustain older generations. At the present time the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults compared with the number of older people Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages 90; Many young people today their own mobile phone and believe it is essential to their lives. There is a large active workforce which will help economic growth in the future. Model answer. With the continent's population set to double to two billion by 2050, two analysts put forward rival arguments about what this . Many countries with rapidly growing youth populations are struggling already to educate their young people. Describe the location of The Gambia. The effects of overpopulation are already acute. However, we have achieved all the disadvantages of a huge population, and counting, namely Ageing and youthful populations SlideShare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. In general, longevity has increased while fertility has declined resulting in an increase in the proportion of the older people. What does this mean? Their population pyramid has a wide base indicating a large youthful dependent population. Our youthful population, on Advantages and disadvantages of school trips essay title page for essay mla essay on road safety a social responsibility Essay Aging Of The Population , essay on dussehra in hindi class 6 the essay on man epistle 2 introduction to compare and contrast essay narrative essay in apa format essay about environment in . With old people there would be no time to start a sport career. Our youthful population, on India's youthful population is also contributing to India's consumption boom. Lack of availability of jobs in the future. The Impacts of a Youthful Population. A youthful population is a when there are a high proportion of young dependents in a country. On The Street: Africa is a youthfulcontinent which is a major strength of the continent but how can this strength beharnessed to the advantage of Africa? By Taopheek Babayeju. . Disadvantages Of Youthful Population 978 Words 4 Pages Many countries today, especially developing countries, have youthful populations with advantages and disadvantages on many different aspects of these societies, caused by this high percentage of a population under the age of 16 (young dependants). What are the advantages of a youthful population? 2) More health care is needed. Examine the Impacts of a Youthful Population Geologists estimate that the earth existed 4,600,000,000 years ago, yet in the last 200 years the population has grown from one billion to seven billion people. Disadvantage: Increased economic pressure to sustain older generations. TR7 - Good organisation. An increase in the proportion of elderly in the population opens questions as to how best to finance them after retirement. This rapid growth is unsustainable, as the earth only has so much food, water, and non-renewable . In India, there are 17 million more men and boys . There are many disadvantages of an ageing population. 2. While some people believe that this is advantageous, others are of the opinion that having the right mix of young and old people is essential for maintaining the proper balance. Population Change Unit 3. Disadvantages of youthful population. In conclusion, with the arguments given above, I firmly believe that the advantages of the youthful population outweigh the disadvantages. * Having a youthful population also means lack of availability of jobs in future. What are the disadvantages of an Ageing population? 1. Opportunities for Young People: Lack of education and employment opportunities may lead young people to crime in order to survive and make a . Answer (1 of 8): Advantage- Huge consumer market Huge consumer spending High labour supply and cheap labour cost Multiple infrastructure projects xan be run simultaneously Taxable income is high. Some of the benefits include: A growing market for manufactured products. The youth-dependency ratio relates the number of young persons that are likely to be dependent on the support of others for their daily needs to the number of those who are capable of providing such support. As people age, they become more dependent on the care of others. How can you tell from these graphs? Youthful Population (LEDCs) Advantages: Disadvantages: Solutions - provides a large and cheap future workforce - provides a growing market for manufactured products - puts strain on education and health services - puts strain on food supplies - puts strain on available accommodation - lack of available jobs in the future - family planning The disadvantages of a stationary population are identified as both economic and social, in that stationary populations tend to be elderly and conservative rather than youthful and dynamic. A high population of young people below the age of 16 or 19. There is a large active workforce which will help economic growth in the future. Youthful Population:Case Study The Gambia. baby_o_matic-v2.pdf: File Size: 362 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. That is to say that it increases competition for jobs, which in turn helps to keep labour wage, thereby maximizing profits. Role being played by local government; Role of Charities, NGO's and wealthier countries. Traditionally, this care was provided by the family, and was not a problem with relatively low life expectancy. In 2050, the continent will have the largest number of . The United Nations estimates that the world's population will grow to 9.7 billion by 2050. Band 8.5 essay sample. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages giving examples to support both points of view. Objective: To find out about one country that has a problem with a youthful population.What are the advantages and disadvantages of this demographic issue. To conclude (CC7) / (TR7) with the arguments given above, I firmly believe that (TR8) the advantages of youthful population over-weigh the disadvantages (LR10). There are many children to look after their parents so money doesn't need to be spent on healthcare. Provides a growing market: there may be an increase in demand for manufactured goods, . Global Population Growth The rate of global population growth is slowing down, but the total population is still increasing, just not as quickly as it was a few years ago. In conclusion, it seems reasonable to assume that the advantages of a youthful population outstrip the disadvantages. Other notes Background info, why country has youthful population. The main advantage of (Nigeria's -not other countries, just Nigeria's) our large population are all potential, such as huge market, better and greater sports people, more educated folks, etc.We have not realized (at least on % basis) any of these yet. PLAY. What are the benefits and drawbacks of population growth? By 2100, it is forecasted to exceed one billion and could potentially surpass China; all living in a country about the size of Texas. Advantages. Infant mortality rate rises as the . Lagos is currently one of the largest cities in the world . Youthful Population: Uganda. In Blog, ELIP. The youth population is defined as those people aged less than15. Evidence from a number of developing countries shows that farm workforces are ageing rapidly: some 70 per cent of farmers in Mozambique, and 80 per cent in Indonesia are already over the . In China, where girls have been systematically culled from the population, there were 34 million extra men in 2010, according to census data. Stage 1 of the Demographic Transition Model. Disadvantage # 1. In many nations around the world young people represent a large proportion of the population relative to elderly people.this essay will argue that the benefit of a youthful population offset the drawbacks entailed by this state of affairs, as a country with a greater number of young people is better able to grow its economy and care for its elderly citizens | Band: 5.5 High youth unemployment amid an aging population is a transatlantic phenomenon, affecting not only the United States but also Canada and most of the countries in the European Union. Aging of the population affects all aspects of the society including health, social security, education, socio-cultural activities, family . Examine the Impacts of a Youthful Population Geologists estimate that the earth existed 4,600,000,000 years ago, yet in the last 200 years the population has grown from one billion to seven billion people. There are advantages and disadvantages to having a youthful population. 2 POPFACTS, No. Population growth impacts our economic future and the resources needed for sustainability. 2015/1 May 2015 2. As seen in Figure 1, by 2050 Africa's young population, i.e., those aged between 0 and 24 years old, will increase by nearly 50 percent. This theory can be illustrated much . High depedency ratio. The Gambia is located in western Africa. With the projected rate at which African youth population is growing, there is a need for policies . Starter - Click on the 'How Stuff Works' graphic to the right that shows global distribution of youthful populations (under 14 years old).Comment on the extent and spread of those countries with the youngest populations. Africa has more people aged under 20 than anywhere in the world. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a youthful population? Complete the questions sheet. 3) More food and water is needed. It is well known that some countries have a population with more young people than old people. There is a large active workforce which will help economic growth in the future. Conversely, an increase in population leads to new innovations and economic improvement. The present working may be unable to pay for the education of the present youthful population, leading to early withdrawal from school. With the continent's population set to double to two billion by 2050, two analysts put forward rival arguments about what this . Correspondingly, the labour force engaged in agriculture has increased. Population aging is one of the most important demographic features that has come into prominence in the twenty-first century. The main advantage of (Nigeria's -not other countries, just Nigeria's) our large population are all potential, such as huge market, better and greater sports people, more educated folks, etc.We have not realized (at least on % basis) any of these yet. Global Population Distribution Distribution - where people are located and how they are spread out across the world Density - the number . This rapid growth is unsustainable, as the earth only has so much food, water, and non-renewable . Disadvantages of being young: • less experience • fewer free days, if you have a job (twenty free days in a year) • young people tend to be more extremistic • addiction to their parents (money) • …show more content… Youngsters don't have to pay for visas and passports. every year younger people population is increasing gradually. 3. Child mortality = 107/1000. Youthful Population (LEDCs) Advantages Solutions - provides a large and cheap future workforce - provides a growing market for manufactured products - provides a large tax base for the country - family planning - industrialisation to provide jobs in manufacturing Which of the following is used […] By 2050, Nigeria's population is expected to surpass that of the U.S. and could exceed 400 million. Disadvantages- Poverty Low income per capita No govt. Examine the Impacts of a Youthful Population Geologists estimate that the earth existed 4,600,000,000 years ago, yet in the last 200 years the population has grown from one billion to seven billion people. What are the disadvantages of a youthful population? Even this fact could have both advantages and disadvantages, In my opinion the positive implications of having a youthful population over-weigh the negative ones. Disadvantages. Task 3 - Turn to page 17 of the IB Revision Guide and make notes on the advantages and disadvantages of a youthful population on affected countries (or use the table below the video) Task 4 - Use the embedded map below to find areas of the world that have youthful populations. -Large number of young people are unable to find work, so some migrate to the USA in order to find employment. According to the World Development Report, 64 per cent of labour force is engaged in . What are the advantages and disadvantages of a youthful population? There are several disadvantages associated with the trend of increasing youth population. Increased dependency rates (ratio of older people to younger people) Increased fiscal gap (amount of money being spent by government on various sectors) 49.1% of the population aged 0-14. Political Benefits More voters/citizens to use to YOUTHFUL POPULATION. The Impacts of a Youthful Population. Write an essay about my struggles define me An essay about a city. This rapid growth is unsustainable, as the earth only has so much food, water, and non-renewable resources. A youthful population can have many advantages such as brand new innovation and investment in education. is a population consisting of more of young people of the age below 24 years than the older people; this is due to high fertility rate and reduced infancy mortality rate. CC7 - An appropriate way to begin your final paragraph. nition: A fall in the median age of the population. DISADVANTAGES. This rapid growth is unsustainable, as the earth only has so much food, water, and non-renewable . Both scenarios provide a point to ponder. Author: Humplehurst Created Date: 09/08/2014 02:46:00 Fertility rates are still high at 3.55 and working-age population is expected to continue growing even beyond 2050. -A large youthful population requires an increase in school places. The Impacts of a Youthful Population. An increasing number of elderly persons means more pension requirements, resulting in an increase in the cost to the . Infant mortality = 65/1000. Even though, there are some positive aspects of having an older population that we should consider. This youthful population gives a country specific problems. Implications of a youthful dependency population. The problems include: Young . What are the disadvantages of a youthful population? UNICEF estimates the youth population (aged 15-24) now forms close to 36 per cent of Pakistan's labour force, projected to rise to 50 per cent by 2050. Childhood diseases such as measles and diarrhoea can be fatal as there are less hospitals and doctors in LICs. The annual growth rate will slow to 0.1 percent or less. . They don't have to be checked on the borders. There are many disadvantages of an ageing population. View mindmap. Many countries today, especially developing countries, have youthful populations with advantages and disadvantages on many different aspects of these societies, caused by this high percentage of a population under the age of 16 (young dependants) The Office for National Statistics (ONS) defines the OADR as the number of people over 65 years old . If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. The main disadvantages of an ageing population include increase in pension and health-care . Gambia case study youthful population: what's in an introduction for a research paper behavior essay definition: what is an outline for an essay. This means that the labor force is growing more rapidly than the population that is dependent on it, creating a window for faster economic growth and family welfare. The UN defines the youth as a section of the population between 15-24 years, while . Advantages and disadvantages of youthful populations. Projected growth of the youth population between 2015 and 2030 vs. the youth unemployment rate in 2015 Unemployment rate among 15 ‐ 24 years ‐ olds (percentage) Change The first issue is the growing pressure on housing and public services which need to be upgraded and maintained more frequently to satisfy the high demand of young people. What are the disadvantages of an Ageing population? population will double to a quarter of the population, equal to the number of people ages twenty to thirty-five. this essay will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages about between the large number young population and older population. Many countries now have a large population of young people. On the one hand, a population which is full of young adults may cause a series of problems affecting the country's society and economy. In 1900 the life expectancy of a child at birth was forty-nine; it is now seventy-six, a bigger spurt than in the prior 5,000 years. Nowadays with many people living into their 80's and 90's, the need for care presents a burden which many . Firstly, the growing number of young people might lead to unemployment, as the more . Geologists estimate that the earth existed 4,600,000,000 years ago, yet in the last 200 years the population has grown from one billion to seven billion people. It is estimated that by 2030, young Africans will make up 35% of the world's youth population and 75% of those under age 35 living in Africa. As our aging population soars, so does the need for increase medical and long-term care support. And as problematic as the situation is in the United States, the challenge may be even more immediate and severe in other countries. However, there are also many disadvantages such . -There is a growing manufacturing industry to overtake the UK's and become the seventh largest economy in the world by 2050. usually associated with an increase in the proportion of young dependents. Older Americans will live longer. Unlike South East Asia, where the youth's economic potential was . THATTA: Any country with a youth population equal to that of Pakistan would be a country of power . In theory, at the micro level, this . What are the advantages of a growing young population? Note that Niger is highlighted as having a youthful population. The author notes that Sauvy has used the example of France to illustrate the lack of benefits arising from slower rates of population growth. The youthful population means more pressure on the employed to support those who are inactive," he explains. advantages and disadvantages of young and old population wRm young people help country to compete with other countries under guidance of older people. Large future workforce: in the future, once the youthful population grows up, there will be a large number of people that are economically active . However, we have achieved all the disadvantages of a huge population, and counting, namely Many countries today, especially developing countries, have youthful populations with advantages and disadvantages on many different aspects of these societies, caused by this high percentage of a population under the age of 16 (young dependants). A Youthful Population. If you are talking human society, some of the disadvantages could be the following: Few people to pass on traditions and lessons from the past . Statistics (these help to boost your mark in the long answer questions): Fertility rate = 6.15 births per woman. Decreased participation rates (amount of people in the workforce.

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disadvantages of youthful population