how many electoral votes did franklin pierce get

... Franklin Pierce was the first President to place a Christmas tree in the White House. Events and Accomplishments of His Presidency In 1853, the U.S. bought a stretch of land now part of Arizona and New Mexico as part of the Gadsden Purchase . In 1888 Presidential Election Grover Cleveland had 5,540,329 popular votes as against Benjamin Harrison’s 5,439,85Benjamin Harrison got 233 electoral votes. Barack Obama from the Democratic Party defeated John McCain to win the presidency, and is the first African-American president. The general public hoped that Pierce would be the one to bring the two conflicting sides – North and South– together. The fact that many of the delegates had never even heard of Pierce helped. electoral vote. Young and charismatic Pierce easily defeated his former general by winning all but 4 states. Franklin D. Roosevelt / Presidential terms What is the purpose of the 22 amendment? Handsome, affable, charming, and possessed of a certain superficial brilliance, Pierce made many friends in Congress, but his career there was otherwise undistinguished.. With 538 Electors, a candidate must receive at least 270 votes to be elected to the office of President or Vice President. Electoral vote. The Democrats faced the same divisive issue. What is Franklin pierce's real name? His victory was overwhelming. c) 1882 Franklin Pierce (D-NH)/Sam Houston (D-TX): 1,681,386 Votes (46.90%), 194 Electoral Votes. He alienated anti-slavery groups by signing the Kansas–Nebraska Act and enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act, and conflict between … 1865–1869. Democrat Franklin Pierce, a former Senator from New Hampshire, defeated Whig nominee General Winfield Scott . Incumbent Whig President Millard Fillmore had succeeded to the Presidency in 1850 upon the death of President Zachary Taylor. Pierce won with 254 out of 296 electoral votes. Even though things were already near a boiling point after Lincoln was elected, South Carolina issued its "Declaration of the Causes of Secession" on December 24, 1860. Which college did Franklin Pierce attend? 1) When was Theodore Roosevelt first sworn in as President of USA? 7 What was Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal? He joined the Athenian Society, a progressive literary society, alongside Jonathan Cilley (later elected to Congress) and Nathaniel Hawthorne, with whom he formed lasting friendships. Incumbent Republican President Herbert Hoover was defeated in a landslide by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first Democrat in 80 years to win an outright majority in the popular and electoral votes, the last one being Franklin Pierce in 1852. Franklin Pierce won the 1852 presidential election defeating Winfield Scott. The 1936 United States presidential election was the 38th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 3, 1936.In the midst of the Great Depression, incumbent Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated Republican Governor Alf Landon of Kansas.Roosevelt won the highest share of the popular and electoral vote since the largely uncontested 1820 … Did Franklin Pierce start civil war? Electoral Votes. He carried all but three states outside the Democratic Solid South and won 321 electoral votes to Bryan's 162. 13. Who Ran For President In 2020? Originally, the vice president was the person who received the second most votes for president in the Electoral College. Wiki User. Franklin Pierce. How many electoral votes did Grover Cleveland get? 5 gop seats. Franklin Pierce’s Accomplishments as President Franklin Pierce. In the electoral votes, the Democratic Party won 254 votes, compared to the Whig’s 44. He appealed to southern and northern Democrats, New Englanders, and even southern Whigs. Connecticut cast its 4 electoral votes for Franklin Pierce in the 1852 election. 15 makes clear what happens: "if the two Houses shall disagree in respect of the counting of such votes, then, and in that case, the votes of the electors whose appointment shall have been certified by the executive of the State, under the seal thereof, shall be counted." After 34 votes, four different men surfaced as front-runners. Hinckley believed the attack would impress actress Jodie Foster, with whom he had become obsessed. Franklin D. Roosevelt, elected to four terms, was president from 1933 until his death in 1945. List Term in office President Lost election 1825–1829 John Quincy Adams 1828 United States presidential election 1837–1841 Martin Van Buren 1840 United States presidential election 1853–1857 Franklin Pierce 1856 Democratic National Convention 1865–1869 Andrew Johnson 1868 Democratic National Convention. Who won the presidential election of 1908? ... What percent of the popular vote and how many electoral votes did he get? Who got the highest percentage of electoral votes? He is one of my favourites if you are solely talking about his life, and top 20 or 25 in the presidency. He was sworn in as President on January 20, 2009. Results of the presidential election of 1852, won by Franklin Pierce with Item #97825 – Commemorative Medal Cover marking the anniversary of Pierce’s birth. However, it failed miserably; the Kansas-Nebraska Act was one of the key political events that led to the American Civil War. John Adams (F) (7 electoral votes) & Thomas Jefferson (D-R) (4 electoral votes) John Roberts John Rousby Plater Francis Deakins George Murdock John Lynn Gabriel Duvall ... Franklin Pierce (D) and William R. King (8 electoral votes) Cathell Humphreys (Somerset County) Robert M. McLane (Baltimore City) The dangers of a concentration of all power in the general government of a confederacy so vast as ours are too obvious to be disregarded. Andrew Johnson. The election marks the entrance of third parties onto the national scene, with Wirt running on the Anti-Masonic ticket. Advertisement. Winner. Benjamin Harrison got 233 electoral votes. Despite the disappointing outcome, Smith actually won 41 percent of the popular vote and helped advance Democratic Party policies in a number of cities. 4th President. In 1788 and 1792, George Washington won all the electoral votes running effectively unopposed, and in 1820, James Monroe, running unopposed, carried all twenty-three states in the union at that time (although one electoral vote was cast for John Quincy Adams and two electors died prior to casting votes). However, if neither candidate reaches this threshold, the election is thrown to the House of Representatives and they vote (1 vote per state) to decide who becomes president. However, it failed miserably; the Kansas-Nebraska Act was one of the key political events that led to the American Civil War. Joe Biden. The U.S. Virgin Islands does not cast electoral votes for president of the United States.It does, however, hold primary nominating events. Which president did not get a second term? Franklin Pierce Franklin Pierce earned Will-Weber’s nod as the drunkest president in American history. [77] This proved to be true, as Scott won only Kentucky, Tennessee, Massachusetts and Vermont, finishing with 42 electoral votes to Pierce's 254. Why did Democrats choose Franklin Pierce? In the slave states, however, the contest was for all intents and purposes between Buchanan and Fillmore; Buchanan won 56.1% of the vote to 43.8% for Fillmore and … Democrat Joe Biden won Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and their 79 Electoral College votes by a combined 311,257 votes out of 25.5 million ballots cast for president. List Allowing the people of a slave or territory to vote on whether they will be a slave of a free state. But Obama built his majority among first-time voters who surged to the polls in 2008, many of them young or African American. Both John Quincy Adams and Franklin Pierce swore on a book of law, ... How many electoral votes did Obama get? He became president under a cloud of controversy surrounding the Compromise of 1877 and only served one term as president. 198 (2001). Pierce won the election of 1852 by an overwhelming electoral vote margin. Socialist candidate Eugene V. Debs won just 2.8 percent of the popular vote, or 420,793. When did Louisa May Alcott die? ∙ 2008-11-06 03:20:58. 9. Lincoln; 40% percent of the popular vote, 180 electoral votes ... Franklin Pierce. Category: pop culture celebrity scandal. Votes Percentage Electoral votes Democratic: Franklin Pierce: 40,721: 53.02%: 4: Whig: Winfield Scott: 35,972 46.83% 0 Free Soil Party: John Hale: 61 0.08% 0 No party: Write-ins: 56 0.07% 0 Total votes: 76,810: 100.00%: 4 Jackson scores an impressive victory, amassing 219 electoral votes to Clay's 49. Smith garnered the support of only eight states with a total of eighty-seven electoral votes. The Democratic Party held a caucus on June 6, 2020. The office of the President was created in 1789 when George Washington was unanimously elected via the first electoral college. How many electoral votes did Theodore Roosevelt get in Presidential Election 1912? Which state is to the west of Utah? Pierce and running mate William King went on to win what was at the time one of the nation's largest electoral victories, trouncing Scott and his vice presidential nominee, William Graham of North Carolina, 254 electoral votes to 42. 5 What was going on in 1932? 1 Who won the 1932 election and by how many votes? Who won the presidential election of 1908? When did Jesse Owens die? President Franklin Pierce won an electoral landslide, but it wouldn't take long for him to alienate many Americans and push the nation to the brink of war. After 34 votes, four different men surfaced as front-runners. Who supported Franklin Pierce? According to the writer, Pierce “drank a lot of everything” and once said after leaving office, “What can an ex-president of the United States do except get drunk?” He died of cirrhosis of the liver at age 65. Candidates: Democratic Party: Franklin Pierce (New Hampshire) and William King (Alabama) Whig Party: Winfield Scott (New Jersey) and William Graham (North Carolina) Free Soil: John Hale (New Hampshire) and George Julian (Indiana) Election Results: Pierce/King: 254 electoral votes, 1.6 million popular votes Scott/Graham: 42 electoral votes, 1.3 million popular votes … President Pierce’s policies on slavery proved disastrous. Political and Economic Expansion After the election, but before his inauguration, the Pierce family was in a train accident in which their 11-year old son died. United States. In the presidential election, Democratic former senator Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire defeated Whig General Winfield Scott. There have been 49 vice presidents of the United States since the office came into existence in 1789. ... had 5,540,329 popular votes as against Benjamin Harrison’s 5,439,85Benjamin Harrison got 233 electoral votes. This proved to be true, as Scott won only Kentucky, Tennessee, Massachusetts and Vermont, finishing with 42 electoral votes to Pierce’s 254. A landslide victory. With 3.2 million votes cast, Pierce won the popular vote with 50.9 to 44.1 percent. Barack Obama from the Democratic Party defeated John McCain to win the presidency, and is the first African-American president. Which country is to the north of Vermont? On the thirty-fifth ballot, Franklin Pierce's name was placed in nomination. This answer is: In fall 1820, Pierce entered Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, one of 19 freshmen. ... Franklin Pierce was the first President to place a Christmas tree in the White House. Stephen Cleveland (commonly known as Grover) won the popular vote three times, in 1884, 1888, and 1892, but lost the electoral college to Benjamin Harrison in 1888. How many electoral votes did Grover Cleveland get? Breckinridge originally supported the renomination of Franklin Pierce for a second term as president but switched to Douglas on the 15th ballet, when it became evident that Pierce had no chance of winning the nomination. The Democrats faced the same divisive issue. Exit polls revealed that the two candidates broke even among voters who had participated in the 2004 election. The popular vote was surprisingly close though. 8) How many bills did Grover Cleveland veto in his first term? b) 1887. Andrew Johnson. Franklin Pierce was called "Hero of Many a Well-Fought Bottle" and "Fainting Frank." How is the electoral college made up of 538 votes. Pierce won the popular vote by a margin of seven percent, and dominated the electoral college. electoral votes popular votes Sources: Electoral and popular vote totals based on data from the United States Office of the Federal Register and Congressional Quarterly's Guide to U.S. Dark horse candidate Franklin Pierce was elected by a wide margin in the Electoral College, but he set about angering people throughout the nation and even around the world (and allowed himself to be influenced by bad advice). To be fair, the president was traumatized over the death of his last surviving child just before taking office. Donald Trump. A sizable block of Free Soilers broke for Pierce's in-state rival, Hale, who won 4.9 percent of the popular vote. Go back in time for the all-American answers. Pierce entered political life in New Hampshire as a Democrat, serving in the state legislature (1829–33), the U.S. House of Representatives (1833–37), and the Senate (1837–42). With 3.2 million votes cast, Pierce won the popular vote with 50.9 to 44.1 percent. How many electoral votes does the homestate of Hillary Clinton have? United States. ... How many electoral colleges did Pierce win compared to Scott? Harry S. Truman ... How many electoral votes did Adlai Stevenson collect? How many states did Franklin Pierce gain compare to Scott? Pierce was a Democrat and a "doughface" (a Northerner with Southern sympathies) who served in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. He had to have been happy about it: In 1816, he won 16 of 19 states and 183 out of 217 Electoral College votes. … On March 30, 1981, United States President Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded by John Hinckley Jr. in Washington, D.C. as he was returning to his limousine after a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton Hotel. However, if it did become an issue, 3 U.S.C. Elections, 4th ed. 4 Who did the Republicans nominate in 1932? Running on the Democratic ticket, Jackson wins reelection to the presidency, soundly defeating Henry Clay and William Wirt. With which country did USA sign an agreement ending war in 1973? Passed by Congress in 1947, and ratified by the states on February 27, 1951, the Twenty-Second Amendment limits an elected president to … 8 Who was the president during the Great Depression? Copy. c) 414. See answer (1) Best Answer. Franklin Pierce (b. on November 23, 1804, in Hillsboro, New Hampshire) was the 14th President of the United States. d) 168 34 Votes) Franklin Pierce Quotes. If the opposition had formed fusion tickets in every state, Lincoln still would have received 169 electoral votes, 17 more than the 152 required to win the Electoral College. John Quincy Adams, son of John and Abigail Adams, served as the sixth President of the United States from 1825 to 1829. In … He was a devoted supporter of … Did Franklin Pierce start civil war? The presidential candidates, Pierce and Scott, did not themselves appear on the ballots; instead, the electoral college delegates pledged to them did. 2) When did Theodore Roosevelt publish The Naval War of 1812? 27 versus 4. Barack Obama, thus the reason that he is the next President of the United States. ... How many electoral votes did Breckinridge receive in the 1860 presidential election? Franklin Pierce was the winner of the 1852 Presidential election with 254 electoral votes. 306. Franklin Pierce (November 23, 1804 – October 8, 1869) was the 14th president of the United States (1853–1857), a northern Democrat who saw the abolitionist movement as a fundamental threat to the unity of the nation. ... To become you have to win at least 270 electoral votes. Franklin Pierce. 3 Who won the 1932 elections? To date, he is the only President from New Hampshire. In the history of the Electoral College, Washington is the only president who has been unanimously elected. Pierce defeated General Winfield Scott, the Whig candidate, to win the presidency in 1852. How many electoral votes did Grover Cleveland get? A Republic without parties is a complete anomaly. 10) How many electoral votes did Theodore Roosevelt get in Presidential Election 1912? Though Scott had commanded in the Mexican–American War, Pierce also served. Who was now eligible to vote? The 1852 United States presidential election was the 17th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 2, 1852. ... Franklin Pierce. Virginia gave him his first support, with all fifteen of its votes. 3rd President. He remains the only president to serve for more than two terms. When did Illinois become a state of USA? Indeed, before the Civil War Amendments (which changed the electoral college yet again), only one of the sixteen presidents hailed from … Both John Quincy Adams and Franklin Pierce swore on a book of law, ... How many electoral votes did Obama get? Roosevelt won a third term by defeating Republican nominee Wendell Willkie in the 1940 United States presidential election. United States. Who did Franklin Pierce defeat in the presidential election of 1852? United States. How many battles were confederate victories? Wiki User. It was enough for Lincoln to win the popular vote, as well as 180 electoral votes. Truman was a member of the Democratic Party.He was first elected in 1944 as Franklin D. Roosevelt's vice president, becoming president after Roosevelt's death on April 12, 1945. By how many votes the Electoral Commission decided in favour of Rutherford Hayes? 306. Franklin D. Roosevelt / Presidential terms What is the purpose of the 22 amendment? The general public hoped that Pierce would be the one to bring the two conflicting sides – North and South– together. 1865–1869. A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win the presidency. He took part in the Mexican–American War as a … Franklin Pierce. Answers: 3 Show answers Another question on History. The 2000 election was the fourth election in U.S. history in which the winner of the electoral votes did not carry the popular vote. Which presidents did not get a second term? United States. Furthermore, why did the Whigs lose the election of 1852? 10) In 1888 Presidential Election Grover Cleveland had 5,540,329 popular votes as against Benjamin Harrison’s 5,439,853. Although Pierce only won the popular vote by about 200,000 votes, he received 254 electoral votes to Whig candidate General Winfield Scott’s 42. Nominee. 72. 3 dem seats. Ultimately, Scott won only Kentucky, Tennessee, Massachusetts and Vermont, finishing with 42 electoral votes to Pierce's 254. What was Franklin Pierce's win known as? John Bidwell (P-CA)/Gideon T. Stewart (P-OH): 287,609 Votes (2.40%), 0 Electoral Votes Others [1]: 22,954 Votes (0.20%), 0 Electoral Votes 1: Socialists and various write-in … In the history of the Electoral College, Washington is the only president who has been unanimously elected. How many electoral votes did Abraham Lincoln get? In 1820, he won all 24 states (yup, the … The election took place against the backdrop of the Great Depression. They believed that Lincoln was anti-slavery and in favor of Northern interests. Who did Franklin Pierce defeat in the presidential election? 4.3/5 (266 Views . Pierce won by a 50.8 to 44 percent landslide in the popular votes and 254 to 42 in the electoral vote. Electoral vote. On the 49 th ballot, they nominated Pierce, a true dark horse candidate. In the final tally for the popular vote, Taft won 7,675,320 (51.6 percent) to Bryan's 6,412,294 (43.1 percent). Harry S. Truman (b. on May 8, 1884, in Lamar, Missouri) was the 33rd President of the United States.He served from 1945 to 1953 and died on December 26, 1972, at the age of 88. … Has any US president served 3 terms? 232. House Race Details. ∙ 2008-11-06 03:20:58. 3,298,041. View Answer. Pierce entered political life in New Hampshire as a Democrat, serving in the state legislature (1829–33), the U.S. House of Representatives (1833–37), and the Senate (1837–42). Franklin Pierce: Democratic: 254 1,601,274 Winfield Scott: Whig: 42 1,386,580 John Parker Hale: Free Soil His 66 electoral votes were divided among the other candidates. Franklin Pierce. Former Vice President Joe Biden won the Democratic caucus. a) 216 b) 8 c) 88 d) 435. Franklin Pierce and Ulysses S. Grant: 2.3%: Approximately what time period did the 'Progressive Era' of U.S. politics span? On May 30, 1854, President Franklin Pierce signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which was designed to solve the issue of expanding slavery into the territories. Franklin Pierce (November 12, 1804 – October 8, 1869) was the 14th President of the United States, serving from 1853 to 1859, an American politician and lawyer. Franklin Pierce for me is either C or B tier as a president. 1865–1869. On May 30, 1854, President Franklin Pierce signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which was designed to solve the issue of expanding slavery into the territories. What caused Franklin Pierce’s death? 1865–1869. Following are 10 key facts that are important to understand when studying the life and presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes. James Buchanan. In the electoral votes, the Democratic Party won 254 votes, compared to the Whig’s 44. Winner. Rutherford B. Hayes was born in Delaware, Ohio on October 4, 1822. ... had 5,540,329 popular votes as against Benjamin Harrison’s 5,439,85Benjamin Harrison got 233 electoral votes. Thomas Jefferson. *Actual number of electoral votes: Franklin Pierce - 254 Winfield Scott - 42 John Parker Hale - 0 **Actual number of popular votes: Franklin Pierce - 1,607,510 Thus, to vote for Scott, a voter would actually cast four votes, one for each of the Whig electors: John C. … In the end, Republican Hoover won the election with an impressive 444 electoral votes. William Howard Taft. United States. Pierce was a member of the Democratic Party. 73. Study now. How many electoral votes does the homestate of Hillary Clinton have? 100% of expected vote in. Norman Thomas, the Socialist party candidate, who ran in 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944 and 1948. What did Albert Abraham Michelson measure? He served from 1853 to 1857 and died on October 8, 1869, at the age of 64. ... Beginning with Franklin Pierce, every President between 1853 and the beginning of the 21st Century was either a Republican or a Democrat. Later, … His vice president was William R. King. 431. A sizable block of Free Soilers broke for Pierce's in-state rival, Hale, who won 4.9 percent of the popular vote. View Answer. An absolute majority is necessary to prevail in the presidential and the vice presidential elections, that is, half the total plus one electoral votes are required. Theodore Roosevelt Quiz Questions with Answers. History, 22.06.2019 00:50. The Republican Party held a presidential preference vote on May 30, 2020. Winfield Scott lost the 1852 Presidential election with 42 electoral votes. [78] Which college did Franklin Pierce attend? How does a candidate usually win presidency? ... How many Electoral College votes did Trump get in 2016? 1852: The election between Franklin Pierce and Winfield Scott was more about character than policy as both men agreed on most issues. Franklin Pierce (November 23, 1804 – October 8, 1869) served as the 14th president of the United States from 1853 to 1857. How many electoral votes did Grover Cleveland get? In the Electoral College, Obama prevailed by a margin of 365 to 173. How many Electoral College votes did Democratic hopeful Walter Mondale receive in the 1984 Presidential election against incumbent Ronald Reagan? 254 versus 42. I beg you to at least read everything that I say here. which presidents did not get a second term? 9) When was Anti-Polygamy Act passed? PIERCE, Franklin, a Representative and a Senator from New Hampshire and 14th President of the United States; born in Hillsborough, N.H., November 23, 1804; attended the academies of Hancock and Francestown, N.H.; prepared for college at Exeter and graduated from Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, in 1824; studied law; admitted to the bar and commenced practice in … 6 What was the result of the 1932 elections quizlet? John Bidwell (P-CA)/Gideon T. Stewart (P-OH): 287,609 Votes (2.40%), 0 Electoral Votes Others [1]: 22,954 Votes (0.20%), 0 Electoral Votes 1: Socialists and various write-in … a) 14 September 1901. Democrat Franklin Pierce, a former Senator from New Hampshire, defeated Whig nominee General Winfield Scott. With 3.2 million votes cast, Pierce won the popular vote with 50.9 to 44.1 percent. How many electoral votes does a candidate need to receive to win the presidency in the electoral colldge? How many votes does it take to be president?

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how many electoral votes did franklin pierce get