Pediatric radiation safety is a complex topic with evolving safety guidelines. RADIATION MACHINE REGISTRATION FORM FOR CHANGES TO REGISTRANT OR MACHINE INFORMATION Please read the . Specialists in Radiation Safety . The three kinds of radiation generated by radioactive materials or sources are alpha particles, beta particles and gamma-rays. Exposure to a radioactive source will give a dose which is dependent on the activity, time of exposure, energy of the radiation emitted, distance from the source and shielding. Purpose This guide describes the type and extent of information and standards by which the New York State Department of Health will evaluate a facility's Radiation … Time, Distance and Shielding (TDS) are the basic safety principles of Radiation Safety. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Radiation is modeled in most of the codes, including absorption of heat by steam, but usually the models cannot deal with … That being said, not everyone is familiar with creating and using spreadsheets – especially those that require more complex calculations. Radiation Safety All of us are exposed to radiation every day, both from natural sources such minerals in the ground, and from man-made sources such as medical x-rays. SSG-58), which serve as a global reference for nuclear regulators in many specialist industries. Sign Up for News Sign Up. Visit Image Wisely. Time: Spend less time in the vicinity of camera when radiation is ‘ON’ If Radiation Level is 10 micro Sv/hr Person remains in this field for 1 hr will receive dose of 10 micro Sv and in 30 min (i.e. Complete the “Radiation Safety Program Dosimetry Request RSD-70” and send, fax, or email it to the Radiation Safety Division. Radiation safety is a complex topic with the radiation exposure from different imaging tests and our understanding of the resultant risk constantly evolving. In compliance with the regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environ­mental Protection (PaDEP); the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC); the U.S. Environmental Protec­tion Agency (EPA); and the recommen­da­tions of the International Commission on Radiolog­ical Protection (ICRP), and the National Council on Radiation … This Safety Report relates to all types of industrial radiography equipment and facilities. If … General information . Linear Attenuation Shielding Formula: x B A I I e = * −μ. Quality Factor (QF): All types of radiation do not cause the same degree of biological damage. provide radiation safety study guide and numerous book collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. Point Source Calculations - Photons RSO Review The RSO or a designee reviews the completed application form and conducts a detailed review … in half time), dose received will be 5 micro Sv. It is only concerned with radiation protection and safety and does not deal with how to use radiographic techniques for non-destructive testing. The general formula might be helpful in preventing radiation hazard and injury in acute low-dose ionizing radiation, and for safety in radiotherapy and further in case of astronauts in a possible future long space flight to Mars by mathematically estimating their safety. RH 2261N (New Registrant) or RH 2261W (Withdrawal of Registration). Approximately 40% of patients diagnosed with cancer receive radiation therapy at some point in their treatment. Nondestructive Evaluation Engineering > Engineered Radiation Safety > Time-Dose Calculation. Ionizing EM Radiation • EM radiation with wavelengths shorter than 100 nanometers can remove electrons from the outer atomic shells. This principle means that even if it is a small dose, if receiving that dose has no direct benefit, you should try to avoid it. Cobalt 60: 1.30 R/hr/ci @ 1M or … 2. This equation corrects the activity of a radioactive material for decay. Dose = Dose Rate x Time. Radiation Safety Manual Revision Date: September 2016 Page 4 3.0 Radiation Safety Training Requirements 3.1 Radiation Safety Training Regulations, based on laws for working with radioactive materials, require that users of radioactive materials be properly trained. In Nuclear Safety in Light Water Reactors, 2012. Demonstrate appropriate treatment setup procedures. Goal #1: Students/Graduates will be competent entry-level radiation therapists. q = σ T4 A (1) where. If the distance from the x-ray tube gets cut by 1/2, the rad dose is 4 times more. This lesson defines the inverse square law and explains how it relates to radioactivity and radiation. In addition, the Radiation Safety Division provides support to the Radioactive Waste Program and provides oversight for … I. Radiation Safety Exam Study Guide 3 February, 2022 For Users of Radioactive Material PREFACE This manual is intended to provide the research and laboratory medicine staff of Washington University in St. Louis and Washington University Medical Center a convenient summary of the basic essentials of radioactivity and radiation safety • Ions can interact with living tissue to produce biological damage. Radiation dose formulas - pwalden tip The theoretical or empirical ... radiation produced by it. Proper Use of Dosimeters. STRUCTURE Radiation protection and safety objectives and considerations are presented in The AEL is the product of the MPE and the Aperture of the eye at that wavelength. q = heat transfer per unit time (W) σ = 5.6703 10-8 (W/m2K4) - The Stefan-Boltzmann Constant. Calculate the effect on exposure when the distance from a radiation source changes. Where: I. New Intensity Old Distance^2. RADIATION MACHINE REGISTRATION FORM FOR CHANGES TO REGISTRANT OR MACHINE INFORMATION Please read the . The "privately constituted group, with self-appointed membership" referred to in this paper is the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). 4.1 – Radiation Safety Program. E-mail the RSO: We aimed to assess the readability of online patient educational materials (PEMs) related to radiation safety. It is the responsibility of all persons who supervise work with radioactive materials to become familiar with the information presented in this manual. Radiation Safety calibrates all of the portable radiation survey instruments on campus. The radiation energy per unit time from a black body is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and can be expressed with Stefan-Boltzmann Law as. In this study, the above mortality formulas are applied to the measurements of the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft containing the Curiosity rover (2012–2013) in estimating radiation safety for astronauts in a future space flight to Mars planned by … Plug in the known values I 2 = 530R/h x (5ft) 2 / (10ft) 2. cation. Onedosimeter The ED was determined using one of the following three equations: ED H out =5:6 (4) ED 0:3H out (5) ED H in (6) Formulas 4 and 5 were used to calculate the ED according to the methods described by the NCRP (14) and Baim et al. In fact, the dose from many examinations is dropping with the average dose from individual imaging tests decreasing by 15–20% between 2006 and 2016 [ 17 ]. by the licensee as persons responsible for being well-informed about radiation protection principles, methods and practices, as related to the licensed activity. MATERIALS AND METHODS. In Nuclear Safety in Light Water Reactors, 2012. This problem is most urgent in applications such as the control of radiation therapy machines, where execution of the program can have irreversible human consequences. Laser Safety Calculations Formulas for Calculating the MPE, NOHD, and NHZ RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL (REVISED JANUARY 2017) 11. The radiation energy per unit time from a black body is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and can be expressed with Stefan-Boltzmann Law as. effects such as headaches and diarrhoea which occur soon after an acute exposure to ionising radiation. The purpose of this article to is give Radiation Safety Officers and Authorized Users who are new to the subject of Radiation and its measurement in industrial applications a simple overview to the extent possible. 60 Co 2 photons (1.17, 1.31 MeV) Given 3700 MBq source What is the exposure rate a 1 m? N is the initial quantity of the substance 3. t is the time elapsed, and 4. t1/2is the half-life of the decaying component Iridium 192 Half-life is 73.83 (74) Days. TYPE OF ACTION Choose all actions that apply. To solve for a safe distance use the following formula: [latex]D _ { 2 } = \sqrt { \frac { I _ { 1 } x D _ { 1 } ^ { 2 } } { I _ { 2 } } }[/latex] The rem is the traditional unit of dose equivalent. the amount of radiation that living cells are exposed to; used to describe an amount only of gamma/x-rays in air; unit is the Roentgen or coulombs per kg of air radiation absorbed dose relates to the amount of radiation absorbed by an object or person/measures the quantity of any type of radiation; unit is the rad or Gray radiation penetrating a thin shield (a situation referred to as "good geometry"). TYPE OF ACTION Choose all actions that apply. Abbreviations, Conversions, Examples, and Formulas Appendix D Radiation Safety Manual Revision Date: September 2016 Page 49 For P-32, the GM efficiency is approximately 50%. μ= the linear attenuation coefficient in –cm . __________ = _____________. So if the incoming radiation is 6 Sv/hr the radiation out is approx. Radiation Heat Transfer. CLINICAL RADIATION SAFETY CONCERNS OBJECTIVES: 1. Practice radiation safety protection. Follow Us. •Because hard X-rays are more penetrating, they are Such effects are best described as: those which can appear in the offspring of the person exposed to radiation. The single most useful number in laser safety calculations is the maximum permissible exposure. Note: t and hl must be in the same units. ; Introduction. Calculate the exposure one would receive over a given period of time. To do this, you can use three basic protective measures in radiation safety: time, distance, and shielding. F = 7 x 10-4x 74 x 1 = 0.052 The other 95% of the kinetic … Exposure to ionising radiation can have “genetic effects”. The calculations are related to fire safety in buildings and to the safe relation of buildings to other risks. Many types of radiation monitors measure exposure. Radiation is modeled in most of the codes, including absorption of heat by steam, but usually the models cannot deal with … To solve for a safe distance (D 2), we are calculating how far away from the radiation source (gamma or X-ray) we need to be to achieve either 2mR/hr or 5mR/hr. Page 49/84 This course will benefit anyone who orders imaging studies, which is almost every physician, regardless of specialty. If you then use the inverse square law the safety distance is 895 m. For steel and 250 kV the half value layer is 12 mm. For changes in ownership, use . It aims to help IAEA member countries to meet the requirements specified in the IAEA’s Safety Standards Series No. 1 sievert = … T = absolute temperature in kelvins (K) Radiation produces free electrons in the crystal, which fall into “traps” at the sites of lattice imperfections. The MPE varies by wavelength and duration of exposure and is documented in tables published in ANSI z136.1 standard. Take the pledge to image wisely and view resources on radiation safety in adult medical imaging. For example, a 1% excess risk of cancer incidence is the same as a 1 in a hundred (1/100) risk or a risk of 0.01. What dose of radiation does the technician receive? • This process produces ions. Precision Assessment and Radiation Safety for Dual­energy X­ray Absorptiometry (DXA) White Paper of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry Journal of Clinical Densitometry (JCD) Winter 2005 (Vol. Nondestructive Evaluation NDE Engineering : Radiation Safety great = Dose Dose - The amount of ionizing radiation energy absorbed per unit mass of irradiated material at a specific location, such as a part of the human body. Methods. Rad Safety Training Manual, R4 (October, 2016) 80. a picocurie is a 10-12curies. radiation from ingesting food and drinking water that may contain radioactive potassium-40. 1.4. Resilience vs. vulnerability: psychological safety and reporting of near misses with varying proximity to harm in radiation oncology. The calculations are hand-calculations and all can be made using a hand-held scientific calculator or, better still, a spreadsheet such as Excel. Exposure describes the amount of radiation traveling through the air. 8, Issue 4, Pages 371­378) Sanford Baim 1 , Charles R. Wilson 2 , E. Michael Lewiecki 3 The pur-pose of this study is to assess the readability of publically available online information pertain - ing to pediatric radiation safety available on the websites of radiologic and pediatric societies. Complete the “Radiation Safety Program Dosimetry Request RSD-70” and send, fax, or email it to the Radiation Safety Division. ALARA stands for “as low as reasonably achievable”. To solve for Intensity use the following formula: I 2 = I1xD2 1 D2 2 I 2 = I 1 x D 1 2 D 2 2. B = the shielded dose rate . This principle means that even if it is a small dose, if receiving that dose has no direct benefit, you should try to avoid it. To do this, you can use three basic protective measures in radiation safety: time, distance, and shielding. Time refers to the amount of time you spend near a radiation source. This mini-course is designed to teach physicians-in-training the practical essentials of medical imaging safety. Method of Calculation: We can approximate the average power density using the equation P*G/4Πr2, where 4Πr2 is the surface area of a sphere and G is the antenna gain.For approximate purposes, the numbers calculated below assume an isotropic antenna with uniform intensity. Radiation from diagnostic imaging modalities, such as computed tomography, mammography, and … Current medical practice uses radiotherapy in about 1/2 of newly diagnosed cancer cases. 1891 Preston White Dr. Reston, VA 20191 703-648-8900 Government Relations Office. The incidence of cancer is about 40%, reflecting long life expectancy. Rad Pro Calculator online performs many nuclear calculations that are useful to the health physicist, radiological researcher, radiochemist, radiation safety officer, health physics technician (HP) and other professionals in radiation physics and radiological engineering. What is the exposure rate at 7.2 m? Guide for Radiation Safety/Quality Assurance Programs is available in Portable Document Format (PDF, 113KB, 36pg.). Therefore, while the inverse square law pertains to radiation safety, it also helps us to determine source to film distances (SFD), time of x-ray exposure, and the intensity (KV) of our x-ray tube. I1 I2 = D2 2 D2 1 I 1 I 2 = D 2 2 D 1 2 Inverse Square Law by Borb is CC BY-SA 3.0 I1 = Intensity with a distance measured as (R/hr or mR/hr) While non-ionizing radiation levels in violation of this OSHA standard are not very common, the lower levels found to effect some industrial hygiene instruments are more common. Tritium. • A major source of … REM's Role; Compliance Requirements; REM's Role. The radiographer’s safety protocols are dependent on calculating safe distances (Inverse Square Law Formula) and known radiation emissivity at any given distance from the gamma source. … What is the intensity of the radiation at 10 feet? Rework the equation to solve for the intensity at distance 2 I 2 = I 1 x D 1 2 / D 2 2. A = the initial dose rate . 3. For changes in ownership, use . Time: Spend less time in the vicinity of camera when radiation is ‘ON’ If Radiation Level is 10 micro Sv/hr Person remains in this field for 1 hr will receive dose of 10 micro Sv and in 30 min (i.e. Proper Use of Dosimeters. As the use of radiotherapy for certain types of cancer has grown, providers and researchers have raised concerns about the safety of radiation exposure. where, A = present activity, A0 = reference activity, t = time elapsed since A0 was assessed, hl = half-life of radionuclide. Does anyone have any examples of work sheets and conversions for Inverse Square, half lives etc? What is the amount of activity on the benchtop? 184.: Download a customizable medical imaging fact card for your patients.. Download a medical imaging tent card for your patients. Radiation safety can be misunderstood by patients and clinicians and lead to patient anxiety. cobalt 62. cobalt 70. Filtration •Low- and high-energy photons are sometimes referred to as soft and hard X-rays, respectively. Shielding Gamma Rays 32 X is the exposure rate with the shield in place (e.g., R/hr) Xo is the exposure rate without the shield (e.g., R/hr) x is the thickness of the shield (e.g., cm) This process releases light, in proportion to the original radiation dose. This means that the design is a collection of mathematical formulas. Welcome to Purdue! The Radiation Safety Division provides guidance and oversight to users of radiation producing devices and radioactive material on campus, in the Medical Center, in the Medical School, at the accelerator facilities, and at Duke University affiliated medical facilities. cation. Iridium 192: 0.48 R/hr/ci @ 1M or 5.2 R/hr/ci @ 1’. Spreadsheets are essential to virtually all radiation safety officers; they can be used for performing calculations both simple and complex, for tracking aspects of your radiation safety program, and more. Field Guide for Health and Safety Officers: Radiological Incidents, 6/2014 (NYC DOHMH) Population Monitoring and Radionuclide Decorporation Following a Radiological or Nuclear Incident (NCRP Report No. Complete sections A, F, G, and H for all actions, and This can only be accomplished if the number of curies of the source is known. Tritiated water is colorless and odorless, just like q = heat transfer per unit time (W) σ = 5.6703 10-8 (W/m2K4) - The Stefan-Boltzmann Constant. BERT is calculated using the formula: BERT (in days) = (exam dose (mSv) / annual background radiation dose (mSv)) x 365 days Usually, the average world background dose of 2.4 mSv is used, but you could customize the BERT for patients using their own background radiation dose based on where they live. This authorization is obtained through an application to the Radiation Safety Committee which reviews all applications and approve only those that meets certain restrict conditions. Radiation heat transfer becomes important at high temperatures (above 1000 K) and after collapse of materials, when some structures are in direct view with hot debris located below. An exposure of 1.0 roentgen will impart a dose of 0.877 rads to the given volume of air at standard temperature and pressure (STP). 166, 2011) D = Distance I = Intensity in Röntgens. If no object is in the way for the radiation this gives 6 Sv/hr at 1 metre. The pur-pose of this study is to assess the readability of publically available online information pertain - ing to pediatric radiation safety available on the websites of radiologic and pediatric societies. Inverse Square Ex: At … Risk may be expressed as a percent, a fraction, or a decimal value. Requests for use of radioactive materials and/or radiation producing machines (RPMs) under the campus license are initiated by the prospective RUA Holder by submitting the applicable application forms. maximum total power of radiation that can be emitted from a laser of a particular class. Inverse Square Law for Radiation: Definition & Formula. Radiation Therapy exists as a technical education program to provide a vital human resource that can meet the health care needs of our community. 3 Sv/hr, then you need a safety distance of 632 m. Wow. Radiation Safety in the Use of Nuclear Gauges is part of the IAEA Safety Standard Series (No. The intensity of radiation is 530 R/h at 5 feet away from a source. The RSO is also responsible to effectively manage the radiation protection program. collapse all expand all 1. Radiation therapy uses ionising radiation for treatment. Each PI is responsible for providing radiation safety x = the shield thickness in cm . Radiation Health And Safety Exam Practice Questions. Click Download or Read Online button to get Radiation Health And Safety Exam Practice Questions book now. Welcome to the University of Florida Radiation Safety Short Course presented by Environmental Health and Safety’s Radiation Control office. Time, Distance and Shielding (TDS) are the basic safety principles of Radiation Safety. The sievert (Sv) is the SI unit of dose equivalent, and is the amount of radiation required to deposit 1 joule of energy in 1 kilogram of matter. q = σ T4 A (1) where. Radiation Safety In order to possess and use radioactive materials at the University of Idaho, you must be authorized to do so. RH 2261N (New Registrant) or RH 2261W (Withdrawal of Registration). (Z = 74) target will be about 5% efficient in the production of x-rays. As examples, a kilobecquerel (kBq) in 1000 Becquerels, a. millirad (mrad) is 10-3 rad, a microrem (µrem) is 10-6rem, a nanogram is 10-9grams, and. The units for exposure are the coulomb/kilogram (C/kg, international unit) and the roentgen (R, U.S. unit). Tritium is the only radioactive isotope. EQUATIONS USEFUL FOR RADIATION SAFETY RADIOACTIVE DECAY EQUATION. Headquarters Office. to the Radiation Safety Office (203) 688-2950 Distance - As distance from the radiatio n source increases, the radiation intensity decreases rapidly by the inverse square law.-- Keep patient anatomy and staff as far away from the x-ray tube port as possible Shielding - Diagnostic x-rays are easily shielded with thin sheets of lead. 4. Radiation safety is a concern for patients, physicians, and staff in many departments, including radiology, interventional cardiology, and surgery. Radiation Dose Reference Chart: Download a reference chart listing common imaging examination doses, updated to reflect the data presented in NCRP Report No. in half time), dose received will be 5 micro Sv. 1. of hydrogen and it is commonly represented by the ... known as tritiated water, with the chemical formula HTO or T 2O. Describe the effect of time on radiation exposure. T = absolute temperature in kelvins (K) The unit for absorbed dose is the. Some very useful formulas and conversion factors for solving problems in this section are as follows: 1 microcurie is equal to 2.22E6 dpm. By comparison, the OSHA worker safety standard of the 1970's is 10 mW/cm 2, and the ANSI C95.1-1982 standard is 1 mW/cm 2 for frequencies of greatest concern to us. A total of 84 articles pertaining to radiation safety from 14 well-known online resources were identified. I 1 = radiation intensity at distance R 1 from the source ; I 2 = radiation intensity at distance R 2 from the source ; Example. We use two general types of calibration procedures -- one for meters that are used for detection and measurement of particulate radiation, and another for meters used for detection and measurement of penetrating electromagnetic radiation. Example Calculations 1. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that formula-fed infants receive an “Infant Formula with Iron” as a way of preventing iron-deficiency anemia. The lesson will review formulas and examples of performing inverse square law calculations. Complete sections A, F, G, and H for all actions, and Radiation measurement is a complex subject overall, but when working with nuclear gauges in industrial environments it can be simplified. The amount of radiation an individual accumulates will depend on how long the individual stays in the radiation field, because: Dose (mrem) = Dose Rate (mrem/hr) x Time (hr) You will not find formulas and … The theoretical or empirical ... radiation produced by it. The calculations are hand-calculations and all can be made using a hand-held scientific calculator or, better still, a spreadsheet such as Excel. Radiation Heat Transfer. Appendix: Radiation Safety Considerations in a Hurry ..... 44. Radiation emitted during fluoroscopic procedures is responsible for the greatest radiation dose for medical staff. Net counts per minute can be Radiation heat transfer becomes important at high temperatures (above 1000 K) and after collapse of materials, when some structures are in direct view with hot debris located below. If the distance from the x-ray doubles, the rad dose is 1/4 of original dose. THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF IONIZING RADIATION. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. These requests are processed as follows. Solve for I 2 I 2 = 132.5 R/h Dr. Lin, an ICNIRP Commission member from 2004-2016, accuses the … According to the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement, the average annual radiation dose per person in the U.S. is 620 millirem (6.2 millisieverts). The heat flow equation covers the heat transfer mechanism, such as the conduction equation, convection formula, thermal radiation, and evaporate cooling. 3 | Page Introduction to the Field Guide In the event of a large-scale radiological or nuclear event it is likely that many NYC and ... including formulas for calculating radiologi cal stay time and radiation dose limits. All personnel using radioactive materials under the authorization must complete Radiation Safety Training specific to the type of radiation used prior to beginning work with radiation. This is the minimum irradiance or radiant exposure that may be incident upon the eye or skin without causing biological damage. RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL (REVISED JANUARY 2017) 20 Rad and Rem The US unit of dose is the rad; it is the deposition of 100 ergs of ionizing energy per gram of target material. The US unit of dose equivalent is the rem; for x-, gamma-, and beta-radiation it is numerically equal to the dose in rad. Download Radiation Health And Safety Exam Practice Questions PDF/ePub or read online books in Mobi eBooks. 1 rem = 100 ergs per gram or 0.01 Joules per killo-gram. Minerals such as uranium and thorium are radioactive and give off radiation when the nucleus breaks down or disintegrates. A technician is in an area for 10 minutes and the reading on the survey meter is 5mR/h. Old Intensity New Distance^2. and the Radiation Council of the Ministry of Japan (modified) (15). November 18, 2020 Impact of the Comprehensive Unit-Based Safety Program (CUSP) on safety culture in a surgical inpatient unit. [19] Space radiation in transit to Mars Radiation safety oficers . Always wear your dosimeter when working with radioactive material. in the course of them is this radiation safety study guide that can be your partner. On this page, we will understand the heat transfer formula, the rate of heat transfer formula, and the type of heat flow equation in detail. instructions before completing this form. It is the policy of Purdue University to take every reasonable precaution to provide a work environment that is free from recognized hazards for its employees in accordance with the General Duty clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Act (Public Law 91-596, Section … radiation on the health and safety of people and the environment, monitoring radiation exposure, and controlling the associated health risks and environmental hazards to permit the safe use of technologies that produce ionizing radiation. The rad (radiation absorbed dose) is defined as follows: 1 gray (Gy) = 100 rads. Radiation Safety Training for Analytical X-Ray Devices Questions? Absorbed dose describes the amount of radiation absorbed by an object or person. Radiation safety oficers (RSOs) are designated . Later, the crystal is exposed to a burst of laser light, which liberates the “trapped” electrons. (12), respectively; formula 6 is a ICNIRP has global influence on official regulations regarding wireless radiation exposure limits including the WHO and the FCC. The UTRPA radiation safety policies are presented in the “University of Toronto Ionizing Radiation Safety Procedures and Policies Manual”. Guide for Radiation Safety/Quality Assurance Programs. radiation penetrating a thin shield (a situation referred to as "good geometry"). Radiation Safety Training completed through the CU Radiation Safety Office should be included in the training section, as it is a requirement of the RSC. Cancer also leads to ~ 20-30 per cent cumulative mortality. Time-Dose Calculation. Pediatric radiation safety is a complex topic with evolving safety guidelines. Radiation risk may refer to all excess cancers caused by radiation exposure (incidence risk) or only excess fatal cancers (mortality risk). instructions before completing this form. The guiding principle of radiation safety is “ALARA”. The calculations are related to fire safety in buildings and to the safe relation of buildings to other risks. Heat Flow Equation Shielding Gamma Rays 32 X is the exposure rate with the shield in place (e.g., R/hr) Xo is the exposure rate without the shield (e.g., R/hr) x is the thickness of the shield (e.g., cm) Researcher's Guide. Always wear your dosimeter when working with radioactive material. High radiation area: An area in which external

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radiation safety formulas