reasons why cell phones should be used while driving

Dangers of Cell Phone Usage while Driving. This luxury was beyond the reach of the average consumer because the equipment was expensive and the service … Eating and drinking while behind the wheel are two others, and they are far more dangerous than yapping on a phone. Cell Phone Use While Driving Increases the Risk of an Accident. Forty-three percent of the texting drivers said they want to "stay connected" to friends, family and … Read on to learn the top ten reasons not to drive from our experienced auto accident attorneys. The new, popular (if largely … Here are some of the most common reasons that make people use their phones while driving- Texting and Driving. In 2001, before texting while driving had invaded the public sphere and the BlackBerry had become the smartest phone around, two researchers linked our limited attention to driving impairment. And, these drivers will be four times more likely to be in a car crash than drivers not using a cellphone. While this may seem like a convenient way to communicate with others while driving, it is still a very dangerous thing to do. This is a major cause for many accidents that can … Talking or texting on a cell phone while driving is not an addiction; it’s a compulsion. Everyday people die in car accidents because they use cell phones while driving. N.p., n.d. In a study conducted by State Farm, more than 50 percent of the respondents who own a smartphone said that they use cell phones while driving. There could be myriad reasons why people choose to be on their phones when they should be focused on their driving. Only a few years ago it was legal to talk and text on your cell phone while driving, and in some states, it is still legal. A much better solution is to develop automatically driven cars because humans are horrible drivers. Cell phone use while driving should be illegal everywhere because 1) it causes major distraction, 2) it can cause harm to the driver and others near the driver, and 3) it shows negative influence on young people. … Based on the conclusions of this study, the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan passed a law to ban the use of handheld mobile phones while driving in January 2, 2001. What follows are ten of the reasons why you should never text while driving. About 40% of people polled by the NHTSA said they talk on the cell phone while driving “regularly” or “fairly often.” Nearly 10% of people polled said they text and drive “regularly” or “fairly often.” 75% of U.S. drivers aged 18 to 29 said they have used their … Tons of people have been fined for using their phone while driving, but does a cell phone ban while driving really work? The latest studies show that 8% of drivers use a cellphone while driving. The reason why the NYPD could give you a ticket is that many sources agree that use of a cell phone while driving can be a deadly distraction. Cell phones should be illegal while driving to avoid unnecessary distractions. I believe all states should ban … That paper concludes: “Driving while talking on cell phones – handheld and hands-free – increases risk of injury and property damage crashes fourfold.”. From 2010 to 2013, NHTSA evaluated distracted driving HVE demonstration projects in four communities. N.p., 02 Nov. 2014. Those who had phones in their cars were envied by those who couldn't afford it. An increasing number of studies show that driving while talking on a cellphone can be dangerously distracting.Yet most states have not barred handheld phones, and none have banned all drivers from using hands-free devices. Due to the number of crashes that are related to conducting calls on a phone and texting while driving, some jurisdictions have made the use of calling on a phone while driving illegal. 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Text and Drive. One out of 20 drivers use a cell phone when they’re in the car, according to … Using mobile phones while driving vehicles – two-wheelers and four wheeler lead to increased road accidents. Many drivers believe, however, that the source of distraction is not the phone conversation itself, but rather, the act of typing in a number and then holding a device while driving with a single hand on the wheel. Studies show that a cell phone put drivers at a four time greater risk of a crush. Your cell phone is a powerful device that has many uses in your everyday life, but they should not be used while you are trying to drive. A cell phone is so common in this day and time, it is more common than a watch. By prohibiting the use of cellphones while driving, the state is trying to prevent distracted driving accidents. And if you cannot find the location that you need to go to, cell phones are useful to be able to call someone for help. Nonetheless, mobile phone use may be considered as one example of the broader problem of driver distraction. All of us have seen the videos that show the horrific dangers of texting while driving and we have seen numerous billboards that urge us not to use our mobile phones on the road, but many people still continue to do it, thinking that they have everything under control and that nothing will ever … It was a status symbol reserved for the elite. So, of total nationwide crash fatalities in 2016, just 1.3 percent involved cell phone use of all kinds—including texting, handheld voice, and the use of hands-free, Bluetooth-enabled phones. A smart car is essentially a smartphone on wheels, … It may cause accidents but it may be a coincidence with some other action. Evidence suggests that this behaviour is increasing rapidly as a result of the exponential growth in the use of mobile phones more generally in society. It's the single biggest reason no one should use a cell phone while in their cars; it's also the single biggest reason why the majority of states are passing laws to ban cell phone talking and driving. Distracted Walking Can Land You in the Emergency Room. Using cell phones while driving can cause the driver to think about something other than driving. These are the reasons why … These safety concerns have also led policymakers to consider whether the use of a cellular phone while driving should be regulated or even prohibited. However, cell phones are a new kind of distraction that can really hurt the young drivers. Initial medical expenses and continuing medical billsCost of hospitalization or physical careTherapy, counseling, or psychiatric careReconstructive surgeryMedications and medical equipmentLoss of incomeLoss of future income due to disablementDisfigurement or permanent scarringCost of automobile repair or new auto purchaseMore items... Other figures suggest that someone stupid enough to text and drive at the same time is increasing their risk of dying by almost 900 per cent. Studies have also discovered that cell phone use while driving increases the chance of a car accident. During the same time period, cell phone use increased 62.7% from 182,140,362 subscribers in 2004 to 296,285,629 in 2010. WhatsApp logo. In order to prevent the injuries and deaths related to cell phone use while driving, the Illinois General Assembly enacted Statute 625 ILCS 5/12-610.2. Another reason why we should be aloud to have cell phones while driving is because what if you need to call someone for an emergency or if your grandpa just died and you need to go to the hospital. Before cell phones, students were distracted by passing notes, listening to music on portable cassette players, and simply daydreaming out of a nearby window. At any given moment during the daylight hours, more than 800,000 vehicles are being driven by someone using a hand-held cell phone. Texting while driving can result in a major accident as well as receiving a costly ticket. Although it is not a consistent problem, cell phones do cause wrecks and some have been fatal. Holding a conversation on a cell phone while driving is no more distracting than being engaged with a passenger or rowdy kids in the back seat, eating fast food or messing around with the radio. We Shouldn’t Ban Cell Phones in Cars, We Should Ban Drivers. The temptation may strike any of us, but for the sake of our own wellbeing, we must resist. The use of cell phones may result in a driver's slower reaction while breaking or regaining speed. Distracted Drivers Kill Innocent Victims. University Policy If the driver must use a cell phone while driving on University Business, or while driving a University owned vehicle, s/he must stop safely, secure the vehicle and then make or take the call. Unfortunately, this lack of awareness can lead pedestrians to suffer serious injuries. For a compulsory three-month campaign, the regulation will be in force from September 1, with a violation fine of NT$3,000 (approximate to US$90) for drivers and NT$1,000 for motorcyclists. There are other reasons for why a student may be distracted. Also if you ban cell phones you better ban the radio , people in the back seat , smoking and eating while driving because they are all distractions. 1. Besides texting, there are common things people tend to do while driving, that still pose a threat. Everyone should be aware that accidents prevention is the main reason why there must be a strict law banning the use of cell phone while driving. Most importantly, making handheld cell phones illegal while driving will cause less accidents on the road.… Many different studies have shown that when drivers … In 2017 alone, 3,166 people were killed in crashes involving distracted driving, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NTHSA).And between 2012 and 2017, 9.5 percent of all fatal crashes involved a distracted … Because of this, many governments have made it illegal to use cell phones while driving. More than 25% of car accidents in the United States are due to texting while driving. Cell Phones Banned While Driving. Safety of Employees A number of reports have indicated that using a cell phone while operating an automobile may be more dangerous than drinking and driving. If you don’t clearly understand the dangers of distracted driving, here’s what you should know. Combined, these studies continuously observed drivers for more than … The use of a cell phone while driving is very hazardous. The national statistics are sobering. Web. With the use of cell phones, many people like to text while they drive. When the driver gets a call or a text message, it can distract him or her by not paying attention to the road. It is well-chronicled, cell phone use in a moving vehicle can be a dangerous distraction. More than 72% of that is texting. There is no denying that cell phone use behind the wheel contributes to distracted driving. November 20, 2018 By Law Offices of Bryan Musgrave. However, actually using a cell phone while driving may be life threatening. Many accidents are caused by the misuse of a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle. 8. So, the use of cell phone is not desirable because it involves a driver in a multi-task activity while driving. As of Apr. Mobile phones cause one third of all car crash fatalities. Of course, this would likely just sound like common sense: put the phone away while driving, walking, running, or doing anything that requires your attention to avoid injury. 25 Reasons Not to Use a Cell Phone While Driving Cell Phones Kill. While MacOS is often touted … Cons One of the biggests arguments against connected … During daylight hours, approximately 660,000 drivers are using cell phones while driving. Why do some people use their phones while driving? When you send or read a text message, it takes your eyes off the road for five seconds. That’s what new research suggests following a study of why drivers engage in the risky practice of using their cell phones while behind the wheel. (Half a dozen states and the District of Columbia prohibit driving while holding a phone; currently 14 states and the District of Columbia ban … Several large-scale, naturalistic driving studies -- using sophisticated cameras and instrumentation in participants' personal vehicles -- conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, provide a clear picture of driver distraction and cell phone use under real-world driving conditions, according to the institute.. While the effectiveness of cell phone and texting laws requires further study, high-visibility enforcement (HVE) efforts for distracted driving laws can be effective in reducing cell phone use while driving. 19 May 2015. But there is some debate on how to discourage phone use, or even if … But using your cellphone while driving is always dangerous because it’s distracted driving. Research has demonstrated cell phone use reduces a driver’s field of vision, creating a cone-like field of view akin to tunnel vision. Clearly talking and using your phone is a huge distraction. NTSB: Cell phones should not be used while driving. Most importantly, making handheld cell phones illegal while driving will cause less accidents on the road. I think cell phones should be banned from school. "Drivers on Cell Phones Are as Bad as Drunks." Dec. 14, 2011. It found a broad range of reasons why drivers text. According to a report by “The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society”, over 2,600 automobile deaths are caused by cell phone related distractions. is a question. Phone use while driving is as dangerous as driving while under the influence of alcohol. The brain cannot multi-task. It works sequentially, processing things in order, making driving while on a phone extremely dangerous. c. Key point #3: only 38 states and DC ban talking on a phone for new drivers, while 46 2021, 97% of Americans used a cell phone (85% used a smartphone), compared to 2011 when just 35% used a cell phone. campaigns that encourage the prudent use of cellular phones while driving. Physically holding a handset removes one hand from the controls, making accidents more likely, while dialling is even worse, as it also requires the user to divert their attention away from the road. Earlier this week, the National Transportation Safety Board recommended that there be a nationwide ban on using any kind of electronic device while behind the wheel of a car. Using a cell phone compromises the safety of ourselves and the other people on the road. Texting while driving has inspired much debate, with some touting its convenience, as others bring up the dangers and downsides. NTSB: You Shouldn't Be Using Your Cell Phone While Driving, Even Hands-Free 12.13.11 3:00 PM EDT By Mary Beth Quirk @marybethquirk driving cellphones safety first 6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Text and Drive December 26, 2017 | Personal Injury. WHY THE USE OF CELL PHONES WHILE DRIVING SHOULD BE BANNED NATIONWIDE There are so many distractions already in the world today, that a cell phone should be the last on the list. Cell Phone Use and Texting While Driving Laws. You cannot send or receive electronic messages while driving in Texas. Why Banning The Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory Nationwide On December 13th 2011, the National Transit Safety Board called for a complete ban on cell phone use while driving, arguing that even hands-free phone use was distracting and dangerous. This means when you are driving and talking on the phone, you are splitting your attention between at least two activities—driving and talking. It is not good to use a cell phone while driving because it can cause you to not let another car merge into a lane, pull out in front of another vehicle, slow down, and for a … Part of the reason talking on a cellphone while driving is so dangerous is because our brains are physically incapable of giving 100% of our attention to more than one task. Unless they turn their cell phones off. Cell Phone Use and Texting While Driving Laws. Many kids today use their cell phones to text or call. Cell phones should not be used while driving, merely because it jeopardizes one's life and well being. Such bans, at least with respect to use of hand- Talking on a cell phone is generally considered to distract a driver and to increase the chance of accidents. Smartphones have transformed modern life, with people now using them to check social media, talk to their friends, send text messages, read emails, browse the internet, and so much more. Recent studies highlight the dangers of using cell phones while walking – even in places that might seem safe. Share The Psychology of Why Government SHOULD Limit Our Use of Cell Phones While We Drive on LinkedIn Most Americans know that talking on the cell phone while they’re driving is dangerous. Cell phones can help in an emergency situations when you need help. Distracted Driving While on the Phone. Cellphone laws to remember. Yes because…. A student talks on a hands-free cell phone while operating a high-tech driving simulator during a University of Utah study. Going 55 miles per hour while texting is like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed! In all the driving-while-talking research, there is little to no difference in impairment between drivers using hands-free and hand-held phones. An alarming number of traffic accidents are linked to driving while distracted, including the use of cell phones while driving, resulting in injury and loss of life. Mobile phone use while driving, specifically texting, is a 21st century phenomenon that has prompted most states to ban texting while driving, at least in some form, according to the Governor’s Highway Safety Association. Using a cell phone while driving also puts other drivers on the road in danger; if a driver is texting, their eyes are on their phone and they may not see the car in front of them stopping, which will lead into a wreck that could injury someone. There are 4 main reasons for banning cell phones at the wheel: Cell phone use while driving, including texting and driving, is a major factor. The reason why cell phones should be banned while driving is that the majority of our drivers today are young teens and adults who are still learning the rules of the road. WTVRcom. the use of mobile phones while driving is of primary concern to policy-makers. One of the main reasons people still use their cell phones while driving is that there is no consistency in the laws across the country. Convert this question into a hypothesis (you choose whether negative or positive association). You should not text on your cell phone while driving because being distracted by texting is similar to driving while intoxicated. 1.) (Half a dozen states and the District of Columbia prohibit driving while holding a phone; currently 14 states and the District of Columbia ban … Distracted driving is dangerous, contributing to 3,142 deaths on the roads in 2019, nearly a 10% increase from 2018. Using a mobile phone while driving is very dangerous. Cell-phones while driving argumentative essay. Illinois Cell Phone Law . Hand-held cellphone use ban: 24 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. ...All cellphone ban: No state bans all cellphone use for all drivers, but 36 states and D.C. ...Text messaging ban: 48 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. ...Other states prohibit hand-held cellphone or all cellphone use by all or certain drivers in certain zones. Taken together, the evidence is clear: Talking on the phone while driving – even when using a hand-free device – is not safe. This slide shows the reasons why cell phones should be allowed in cars. Complete any call or text before starting the carGet directions and try to visualize the destination before turning the keyCheck in with friends or parents only after arrival Nearly 303 million people in the United States have cell phones. That’s why a growing number of states—Iowa included—have either limited or banned some uses of a cell phone while driving. Glenday points to several reasons why cell phone use while driving is at the top of the risk management agenda for companies today. You Could Face Criminal Charges for Using Cell Phones While Driving in New York. These actions include, but are not limited to, the following: While using a hands-free device to talk on a cellphone is a better option than texting and driving, it’s still not safe. Texting on the phone while driving can cause you to react more slowly when an unexpected driving hazard emerges or … While you can’t argue with the statistics, you also can’t deny the convenience of having a cell phone in the car. observing and counting people who use cell phones while walking through a park reflecting on the reasons why people use technology in the ways that they do ... "Does texting while driving increase the likelihood of an accident?" Years ago when cell phones were first installed in vehicles, there were few things cooler than talking on the phone while cruising in your car. Distracted driving has become a dangerous practice on our streets and highways. There are devices that make cell phone use less distracting. Cell phones can be life-saving communication tools to have ready in a vehicle in case of emergency. Nearly 303 million people in the United States have cell phones. The most important reason not to text and drive is … If you use a wireless phone, keep in mind that cellular phone providers can offer you cell phone accessories that eliminate the major reasons why wireless phone use while driving is considered to be dangerous. Consider these top reasons why you shouldn’t use your phone while walking. Using mobile phones while walking on roads, crossing roads and railway tracks – particularly with earphones on, has been the cause of a … Many jurisdictions have enacted laws to ban handheld … These are just some examples of reasons why people may need to use phones while driving. Overall cell phone use is a cause of 1.6 million crashes every year, with 330,000 people injured in them. In more ways than one, using a cell phone while driving has been proven to be a dangerous thing for people to do.

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reasons why cell phones should be used while driving