to avoid being distracted while driving, you should quizlet

<p>all the information you need is stored on a phone.</p>. Using a phone or texting - Turn their cell phone off while driving so it is not tempting. Pay close attention to billboards. A.) Texting while driving causes distraction C.) road is clear to proceed your car. Keep these tips in mind to help you drive distraction free: Stay calm . , leading to a much higher risk of crashing compared . Release the brakes. Here are AAA's Top 10 Tips to Avoid Distractions While Driving 10. when you are driving, you should try to keep both hands on the wheel Distracted Driving: Distraction negatively effects driving performance for all drivers but can be especially dangerous for young, inexperienced drivers. In 2016 alone, distracted driving was responsible for 3,477 deaths and an estimated additional 391,000 car accident injuries, according to a report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Drive like you normally would drive a car. You are the only one that can control your emotions and actions. The Developing Brain and Teen Driving. you might see other drivers using cell phones or being aggressive. According to a study released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI), 80 percent of collisions and 65 percent of near collisions involve some form of driver distraction. . Driving too close to another driver is incredibly dangerous, especially at high speeds. You can set the example, which can help make our roads safer. When you look down or look away, you can easily drift to another lane, run into other vehicles, or run completely off the road. Control your anger. Get non driving tasks done in other settings. Never drive when physically or mentally impaired. Fully focus on driving. B.) This tip probably deserves to be at the top of the list. Texting and Driving Statistics: Bad For Everyone. While most of them will just stumble along the pavement, you do need to be looking for those that seem like they might step out in front of you. 7) Young people need less sleep. Motor vehicle accidents make up over half of all personal injury cases, making them very common and potentially deadly. Don't tailgate. getting angry. B.) "I Get Distracted Easily While Studying!" This is commonly heard by parents as a reason for homework not being complete. Well, maybe it's a bit more complicated than that. In time, this can result in lower grades and feelings of frustration. B.) Distracted driving accounts for 9 deaths and 1,000 injuries each day in the U.S. and is an ever pressing epidemic, nearly as fatal as drunk driving. 19. The answer is straightforward: multitasking while driving is any time you're operating a motor vehicle while performing a secondary task unrelated to the act of driving. 30 feet 90 feet 60 feet 45 feet; To avoid tailgating, and help avoid a rear-end collision, you should give yourself a gap of how many seconds behind the car in front of you? They are a way for other drivers to see you. While some driving distractions—such as cell phone use, or loud music—might seem more obvious, being overcome with strong emotions can be just as dangerous.Your judgment may become clouded as you focus more and more on an emotionally-charged interaction, idea, or event. •Using alcohol or drugs while driving can make you feel sleepy. . B.) 9. Distracted driving doesn't necessarily involve every single secondary action unrelated to driving. D.) All of the above are correct. EXPLANATION: Many things combine all three, Here are some of the top things drivers can do to avoid distracted driving: 1. What should you do if your tires begin to skid while driving? D.) Feel secure because your vehicle is a massive battle wagon. If you're feeling tired, stop. When I went to start it - it took literally 20 tries. all the information you need is stored on a phone. This means if you are talking on the phone while . B.) Texting while driving Texting while driving is one of the worrying trends in the society, both teenagers and adults have developed a habit of using cell phones while driving. 4. What passengers can do Speak up if you are a passenger in a car with a distracted driver. But trying to multitask while driving is dangerous no matter how coordinated you think you are. Remember: Even safe drivers can get in accidents. When driving a truck or SUV, you should -. driving task, costs related to crashes due to distracted driving, prevention of driving distractions and strategies for students to disseminate information on the distracted driving problem. failure to signal. Driver distractions are the leading cause of most vehicle collisions and near collisions. Driving in heavy rain or snow and ice means you should be taking extra safety precautions. When you drive, your full attention to the road and other drivers is required. The first large scale study to evaluate the safety risk of cellphone use while driving was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1997 (Redelmeier & Tibshirani, 1997).This epidemiologic study compared detailed time-stamped phone bill usage records of individuals, moments before a motor vehicle crash as well as records one . Get the Correct ANSWER. cars are blocking your path. However, they also need to be aware of all the dangers they may have to deal with on the road. Nine people are killed and more than 1,000 are injured daily in incidents reported as distraction-related crashes in the United States . what can be concluded about distracted driving. Ver 6.15.17 7. Defensive Driving Safety Course Answers - Unit 8 Test, Quiz 2. alternatives. answer choices. These visual, manual, and cognitive tasks can wait for when you are not at the wheel. A lack of__________is a major factor in traffic crashes. 30mph = 44 feet per second - additional 11 feet. If you start to get sleepy while you're driving, drink one to two cups of coffee and pull over for a short 20-minute nap in a safe place, such as a lighted, designated rest stop. . A. 15 Rules of Defensive Driving. Being sleepy makes you misperceive things. As most Florida motorists know by now (hopefully), texting while driving became a moving violation, effective July 1, 2019. pushing a button, turning a dial, or picking up a CD or soft drink five things that you can do while driving to avoid being distracted if you are fatigued, stop and stretch, or switch drivers. Focusing on _______ will reduce your risk of being distracted while driving. Distracted driving is one of the primary causes of fatalities in the United States, and this program shows what can happen when drivers are distracted while driving. Distracted driving is a leading cause of death and personal injury accidents in the U.S. Protect yourself, your passengers, and others on the roadway by always driving defensively. 8c. You are about to be struck from behind while stopped at a STOP sign. ANSWER: A blood alcohol concentration of .08. Limit conversations with passengers and avoid emotional conversations. Follow the Centre Daily Times newspaper for the latest headlines on Happy Valley news. speeding. Technology has become so advanced and multitasking so common that the combination is hard to avoid, even while driving. Don't block the passing lane. This can also affect what kinds of items you should have on your emergency car kit checklist- like hats, gloves, and kitty litter. shift lower gear, and slowly apply parking brake. 8d. Impact Texas Teen Drivers (ITTD) The Impact Texas Teen Drivers program (ITTD) is a free, 2 hour informational video that shares the dangers of distracted driving along with real . Safety Risk of Engaging in Cellphone Use While Driving. If you're always been good at multi-tasking , you'll likely be able to easily avoid being distracted while driving . Don't drive tired. - no difference between hands free and hand held. The answer is straightforward: multitasking while driving is any time you're operating a motor vehicle while performing a secondary task unrelated to the act of driving. driving task. Distracted driving doesn't necessarily involve every single secondary action unrelated to driving. 10% of all teen car crash fatalities in 2016 involved distracted driving. C.) 90 percent. A If you become worried and anxious about something when you driving you should . Pull over when its safe, stop the car , and take a rest or a little walk to calm down A You are _____ more likely to crash if texting while driving. Anxiety and stress can be a big distraction. We see them on the road all too often - drivers using their phones to text, call, or get directions. modern technology in cars prevents accidents. If you need to use your cell phone, stop in a safe parking area. Distracted driving is a major contributor to accidents and in many cases is the result of illegal activity, which of the following is not considered distracted driving: A. Objectives The students will: 1. 10 percent. texting. The best thing to do is rid yourself of all distractions while driving. Paying attention doesn't come naturally, however it can become a habit if you work at it. In 2016 about 263 teens (age 15 to 19) were killed as a result of distracted driving. As most Florida motorists know by now (hopefully), texting while driving became a moving violation, effective July 1, 2019. Aggressive driving has increasingly become a major cause of concern for many road users. What should you do if your right wheels go off the pavement while driving? Blind spots should be checked periodically while you are driving, especially while taking off from a parked position, changing lanes, or when motorcycles or other smaller vehicles are near. What can you do to lessen the chances of being in an aggressive driving situation quizlet? Don't make obscene gestures. There is no better approach to driving. 100 percent. You must take full responsibilities for any action you take, even the negative consequences of those actions. DEFENSIVE DRIVING To avoid making mistakes, or being in a crash because of someone else's mistake, you must drive defensively. When emergency braking, what is the difference between conventional brakes and anti-lock brakes (ABS)? 1. Number of Fatal Crashes talking on the phone. Driving Distractions Study. When your teenager begins driving, it can be an exciting time. Take advantage of the increased power. 8e. Pay Attention. Someone Like You Ver 6.15.17 8 . Many people think distracted driving means texting and driving, but texting and driving makes up only one part of distracted driving. Nature of the Distracted Driving Crash Problem 5,500 deaths and 448,000 injured Teens are most likely to be involved in distracted driving crashes Almost every state has legislation for distracted driving Drivers who use hand-held devices are more likely to get into a crash Slide 9.1 For young drivers, the problem of being distracted is made worse by the simple fact of. Taking action to avoid crashes and collisions is the focus of the third and final key to safe driving: defend. With increased usage, distracted driving has become a prevalent problem. In fact, you can take as multiple attempts and fail for not meeting the minimum driving standards. Get the Correct ANSWER. If something upsets you while you are driving and you feel it is impairing your ability to drive safely, pull over and calm down before you start to drive again. With that in mind, here are some of the worst things that people do while driving. Never argue or make eye contact with an aggressive driver and leave them … What can you do to lessen the . #6 - Know your driving theory. Eating and grooming - Eat and drink before getting on the road only 3. The Florida House voted overwhelmingly in favor of HB 107 that makes texting while driving a primary offense. . Talking on a cell phone while driving makes you as impaired as drunk drivers with a BAC level of.08. to help you avoid cell phone use while driving. eating. There are things you can do to keep from getting distracted while driving: Do not text or use cell phones. you should change lanes unless you must do so to avoid a hazard. The main message of "Your Phone Can Wait" is that. Your safety margin must be large enough so that you have time to react and safely stop or steer away to avoid a collision. By comparing distractions during normal driving to distractions during crashes and near-crashes, estimates were made of the relative risk of drivers when distracted. "defend" refers to taking evasive or defensive action to avoid a collision or crash. If you are distracted for one second, by a cell phone, passenger, or other distraction, at 30 mph you will travel how far "blindly"? If You Become Worried And Anxious About Something When You're Driving, You Should: The Florida House voted overwhelmingly in favor of HB 107 that makes texting while driving a primary offense. In 2018, there were 36,750 deaths related to car accidents and of these fatalities, 5.7% were due to the driver texting and driving or talking on their cell phone. What can you do to protect yourself from an aggressive driver? 5. Review Your Insurance Coverages. 10 Smart Tips to Prevent Distractions and Sharpen Your Focus Whatever kind of work you're doing, you're probably fighting some kind of distraction--whether it's electronic, in person, or internal. What should you do during a tire blow-out? Make conscious, persistent choices NOT to eat while driving, or text while driving, or whatever you do that takes your attention off the road. 1. Offer additional protection. To avoid being distracted by the music player, you should: only adjust the music player when your vehicle is stopped. What is the #1 contributing factor in many crashes? How to fix a car that shuts off while you. Notice what is happening ahead of you and on the sides of the road, and check behind you through your mirrors every few seconds. The following interval. 8) If I sleep a lot now, I won't need to sleep as much later. If you do this consistently, you should find that you gradually spend less and less time being distracted. Checking and sending text messages B. In time, this can result in lower grades and feelings of frustration. … The light beam is angled towards the ground in order to illuminate the road and to avoid blinding other drivers. Around 35% of 18-30-year-olds could be distracted by their mobile phone while you are driving. Low beams are the 'normal' lights your car headlights emit and are used when driving at night or in a dim or dark setting such an indoor parking lot. You should consider auto insurance coverages that are at least $100,000 per person/$300,000 per . The provisions of HB 107 took effect on . 2. Eating while driving C. Driving 2-3 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you A.) Well, maybe it's a bit more complicated than that. Apr 05, 2018. [ DO not try to adjust it while driving. You are driving a car with a digital music player connected to the sound system. Texas Defensive Driving test - wheels in motion quiz answers unit 1, unit 2, unit 3, unit 4, unit 5, unit 6. "I Get Distracted Easily While Studying!" This is commonly heard by parents as a reason for homework not being complete. An alarming number of traffic accidents are linked to driving while distracted, including the use of cell phones while driving, resulting in injury and loss of life. • identify • use your visual skills, aim high, look well ahead to your target & see the "big picture", be aware of all your zones, use your . To avoid being distracted while driving, you should.. Note: We have highlighted your correct answers in green, and your incorrect answers in red Question: 1 If you are over-driving your headlights and you see an object ahead, you will_____.Correct: not be able to stop in time to miss the objectQuestion: 2 Light trucks have a high center of gravity which increases their susceptibility to_____.Correct: roll overQuestion: 3 If an approaching driver . Whenever you feel your attention begin to wander, stop and tell yourself to "be here now." You may have to do this several times, but you will be gently reminding yourself that you want to focus on the task at hand. Is texting while driving illegal? Define and describe the effects of distracted driving and the nature of the problem of distracted driving crashes. There is a reason you must remain alert and focused while driving; it's so you can take quick action to avoid a collision when needed. According to AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety's 2019 data, nearly 80 percent of drivers expressed significant anger, aggression or road rage behind the wheel at least once in the previous 30 days. Yes, it's illegal to text while driving - or to even touch a hand-held device while you're behind the wheel - because mobile phone use has been proven . What are the effects of distracted driving? Get the Correct ANSWER get non-driving tasks (texting, Looking at billboards, mobile phone talking) done in other settings. it is dangerous to talk or text while driving. Use your horn sparingly — even a polite honk can be misinterpreted.

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to avoid being distracted while driving, you should quizlet